(I'm sorry for the bad punctuation, etc but my phone is acting up every time I type something. )
After reading many posts, I realized that I suffer from so many of the same things others do. Is it possible to have that many OCD symptoms where almost everything affects me as discussed by others? !
I have episodes where I have to cancel a thought or do a behavior AS im doing something, like petting my cat for example. If I have a bad thought right at the moment Im petting him, I have to pet him differently like go a different direction or move my hand a certain way on his fur to stop the thought from happening. It's this way for a lot of things. It's worse in the morning, I think, because my nighttime meds have worn off. IT IS TORTURE!!
When I'm angry at something or someone, I start talking to myself about that person or situation and can't stop saying the same things over and over. I don't realize how much I'm repeating myself til after a while, though.
I also have thoughts about God, that He will make the bad stuff happen to others if I don't get a compulsion or thought right (for him). Like he's demanding I do it and if I dont or can't he will punish me by making something bad (death/other, happen to others I care about. But it's not just toward people I care about .It could be someone on the street walking by or driving.
It's not always for him ,, but a lot of the time it is.I have schizoaffective disorder, too, as some of you might've read with my previous posts. This could be the reason for the God thoughts ??
Also , do any of you have to do a compulsion such as move a body part like fingers or arms or breathe a certain way or other similar things to void your thoughts even if they're not all bad? That you just feel uncomfortable with? I do so many odd behaviors and mental compulsions ,1 right after another, and different ones even in the same episode. I hide them very well and no one can tell I'm doing them. Is all this regular OCD and if yes , would it be considered severe or just "normal" OCD?