Hi, I'm 30 years old and I have different types of OCD since 10 years. Now thoughts come to my mind about others having sex. These are usually stories or experiences my friends told when we sit in a group and discuss things. The issue is, these things are extra marital affairs or partners cheating. I don't want to think about that but I get these thoughts often. Also I feel aroused to the thoughts. And I feel bad. I'm single and I can't even masturbate because I think I am aroused by these illegal affairs. It's so distressing and I can't live normal. Can anyone relate? Does anyone have any suggestion? Thank you.
Can anyone relate to this OCD type? - My OCD Community
Can anyone relate to this OCD type?

One can fantasize but refrain from acting on the fantasies.
But in the meantime, have you thought about avoiding conversations of this type?
While that makes sense for most, avoiding these conversations will only strengthen the OCD. These conversations are an excellent opportunity for exposure. Not easy for sure.
I see different types of disturbing images based on what I hear or get from a movie or someone's energy, without me realizing it in the moment, around the same subject The biggest problem is that most things I'm scared of happening because of my insecurities, are the things that are forced into my head as if I have no control and living with that is really hard
It started young but mostly with acts but later that turned into thoughts I can not control and I am tryin to do everything I can to control it and learn how to. And maybe I do not have an answer or solution, but I will never give up and keep trying
I feel that what needs to happen most is to change my life, stop living it like everyone else, do or watch different things, avoiding people with bad influence (but I know how hard that can be and is)
See what brings me peace and focus on that as much as I can in this world and surroundings
It's something that unfortunately can not be changed quickly, but learning about motivating yourself to live differently, to take away as much triggers as you can.
I always thought it was about confrontation and that putting that out of my life would be giving up. But it's about being strong enough and loving yourself enough to be able to go through that and reach that point where it's manageable enough to enjoy life instead of having only one focus
Why is it you can't masturbate? You can masturbate while thinking about anything you like. If you have OCD , you should have already realised thoughts don't matter and they don't make us better or worse. As well as listening about other people's sexcapades doesn't make you better or worse person. If it does bother you, I would suggest finding people who prefer different topics or don't have a wild sex life relationship wise, it sounds like a loving, monogamous thing would be best for you. OR maybe not. Trying to control our sexual instincts does not always work best in our favor. Don't overthink it. Just go for what you feel is right for you. And remember - all that worry about things you described is OCD, not you!