Hi Everyone,
I've seen a ton of posts lately asking about false memories, and this was a BIG area of struggle for me, so I thought I would address it. A false memory isn't really a memory...but an area that we ask questions about (just like any other area in OCD). It starts with a question/uncertainty, and we bring up images in our brain to try to make sure they "didn't happen" or that we "didn't do anything bad." The more these are brought up, the more we actually create these images in the mind...and the more we harp on them...the more real they feel. This is particularly true when there is great emotion tied to an event, such as around grief/trauma/loss (I'm speaking about false memories around trauma at the IOCDF conference in just a few weeks).
Just like other aspects of OCD, these are things that are completely against our values and things we would NEVER want to do. And while OCD can be very convincing...and while false memories can feel SO REAL...it's just OCD up to its old tricks. Choose to assume it's OCD...say "my brain will never let me know for sure"...and move on with your beautiful life living into your values. I know it feels completely impossible, but I also know it becomes much harder once you are deeply entrenched with a false memory. Choose your life and choose to fight OCD!! If walking away from it feels irresponsible, you are fighting OCD (and that's a good thing). There is hope!
Here are a few resources that might help you better understand this area (including a new OCD Stories Podcast episode with Jon Hershfield):