I know this group is for OCD. But I just need some place to rant at about a few things I'm going through right now. I hope that's ok. 😬
So recently, I had to put pause on a friendship. Someone I basically used as a mentor. And I miss her. I wanna go back sometimes and just have the unhealthy relationship and not care. I was happier then anyway. I'm tired of missing her, of hurting, and feeling like a faker. I'm pretty sure I'm codependent on her. But I'm afraid I'm wrong. Afraid I'm just trying to get attention, afraid I'm making it all up and I really amnt. I've watched videos and read articles and I can definitely see myself in some of the signs of a codependent. I'm afraid others will think I'm just trying to get attention and don't really need all the help and support I'd like to get.
Also another thing that really frustrates and hurts me is I have a family member who will say once in a while that they think sometimes I don't like my family. I know I've been super grumpy lately, get angry easy, and talk about moving out or when I move out. But I love my family. Today I had a really good self care morning, and I felt pretty good. I have an amazing loving close knit family, but with all I have going on in my life, health issues and stress, I get upset easily. Easily! And I guess I was being a little upset, I was trying not too, but I let myself get a little grumpy. And a certain family member said they think I'm happier when their not there and maybe they should move out. (They weren't serious.) What am I doing wrong??? It hurts when they say things like that. I love them, but I guess when family members are going through a lot it makes more conflict. Yes, I dream about moving out and being on my own, but I LOVE my family. It just frustrates me.
I've been trying to work on good self talk, but sometimes I almost hate myself. 😬 Sorry I'm just letting myself rant. I just feel upset, tired of struggling, of having problems to work through. I just want to go back to my friend. I don't care that she was unhealthy. At least I was happier. 😢😢😢