Aaah, me doing another impromptu look for advice about my contamination OCD...
I am very new to this website (I didn't even know it existed before today) but, having seen that this group was fairly active I thought I would join to see if I could get some support.
I've actually already sent an e-mail to the charity OCD Action explaining my situation in more detail, but they haven't gotten back to me yet, and I'm feeling really stuck right now. I haven't been able to phone them (OCD Action) because someone who I don't want to know about my situation has been coming round my house everyday, (their last visit was today) and dang-I just realised that I won't be able to until Monday since their lines aren't open till then.
Luckily, I am going to be starting with a therapist on the 19th, who says that they are skilled in helping people with OCD. Though, I feel like that can't some soon enough.
I'm just really struggling right now to function. I've been reading a bit of other people's stories, and I now know my scenario probably not as extreme as some, but I'm still finding it hard to cope.
My contamination OCD means that I am washing my hands on average for around 4-5 hours a day. It typically takes me around 20 minutes to complete a single hand wash, and I feel like I have to wash my hands much more often than normal. I have had two OCD-related crisis in the past five days (One of which meant I was washing my hands for about 6 hours) and I have lost so much sleep from them both that I am now exhausted. These crisis has also made me feel like I could have potentially infected my Dad and my sister, and I fear that they will get ill and (especially in the case of my Dad, who is 66) die because of me. I already had self-diagnosed myself with thanatophobia (fear of death, and in particular, fear of myself and my family dying) before this outbreak, so this doesn't help. I also fear I might have contaminated my bed at some point (though my Dad changed the covers...I still have anxiety about it).
I'm currently writing this when I should be downstairs getting some water and some food, but I just don't want to leave the safety of my 'clean' laptop. Because I feel the need to wash my hands before and after handling any glass, or kitchenware, I am typically dehydrated.
At the moment I am typically only eating Nature Valley snack bars and the main meal that my Dad prepares for my family because (apart from said meal) I only feel safe eating things that are from a packet. This has meant that for the past seven months I have consisted on eating wrapped snacks (it used to be only chocolate until I realised about a month ago that the Nature Valley bars would be a healthier alternative-why in the world did I not realise that sooner?), the occasional banana (since I can touch the skin of the banana and not the flesh that I eat) and the main meal. I know this means that I am probably malnourished (which has brought along its own set of anxieties for me...) . My Dad has tried to get me to take a vitamin tablet, but I haven't worked out how I am going to do that and still feel like I am not contaminating the tablet before I take it.
It also takes me from 1 1/2-2 1/2 hours to complete my routine where I brush my teeth (I also used to wash my mouth, but I currently am unable to do that) before I can go to bed.
I guess my daily routine looks like this:
-Wake up
-use the bathroom
-wash hands
-eat + drink
-wash hands
-Go on my laptop + Draw
-Have dinner
-wash hands
-go on my laptop again + Draw
-go to the toilet
-Wash hands
-Brush teeth
-Wash hands + arms
-Go to bed
It also takes me around an hour of prep before I can get into the shower, and around an hour afterwards of prep before I can go back to going on my laptop or my phone. (Added in with the hour I take to have my shower, this means it takes me 3 hours to have a shower, which is exhausting). My routine looks like this:
-Wash hands
-Move my towel downstairs into the shower room
-Close the door
-Clean the taps
-Wash hands again
-Wash hands again
-Get dressed
-Put my towel and clothes in the washer (+sometimes dispose of the tissues I discard on the floor)
-Wash hands again
My Dad has tried to be as helpful as he can, though, understandably, he is really frustrated that my routine is causing us to loose so much money through a 4x inflated water bill...
I have been able to have a little bit of therapy regarding my OCD in the past seven months. I know a little bit about EPR, and I've been watching more videos recently trying to find something that will really click with me and get me to stop doing my compulsions...I've been trying by myself to limit the number of counts that I feel I have to do when doing each action of my long hand-washing cycle (right now my count is 12).
I'm just getting so tired. My crises this week have made me feel so miserable. I just wish I didn't spend so much time on doing the basics. Everything apart from relaxing feels like too much energy and a chore. This on top of already struggling with intrusive thoughts and worries brought on by my CPTSD feels almost unbearable. Life has just felt like a series of traumatic and painful events and this is no exception. Thankfully, even after the horrible things I've been through, I've never had active suicidal thoughts, but man, I just wish life would give me a break.
I guess there's a lot more I could add but I am too tired to explain much more. If there's any additional information you might want to know in order to get a better perspective then feel free to ask me in the comments. (I should be asleep right now...and I need another 15-hour sleep this evening to catch up on the sleep I've missed this week).
Thank you though for reading everyone. It means a lot to me if you choose to take the time to reply and give me advice. I guess, to summarise, my questions would be:
1. Do you have any advice on how I can limit the amount of time I am washing my hands? (I am trying to force myself to reduce the number of counts but, yeah, it's hard).
2. Any advice on dealing with the uncertainty and anxiety about having potentially infected someone you love? The fear that you might have caused their deaths because of a mistake you made in your routine?
3. Any advice on how I can reduce the amount of time I spend doing my shower routine?
Thanks so much again. I hope you have a good day. (I will go to get some food and drink now and go to sleep...)