Hi all, I was wondering if anyone had taken fluoxetine for OCD and it helped?
Soon after my son was born I developed severe contamination OCD, with fears that my son would get contamination from bacteria. Which had resulted in excessive hand washing, laundry and avoidance of "contaminated" items and areas, from fear I would get bacteria on me and pass it on to my son and make him ill or worse.
I have had CBT/ERT and that has worked a bit, to some extent, but I still really struggle. I have been given fluoxetine, but I am scared to take it due to potential side effects possibly being permanent and I really did want to try and beat it on my own/without meds. But I don't think I can, I just do not have the energy or "bothered" to tackle my compulsions. If I pluck up the courage to try meds, I'm hoping they will give me that little boost and maybe quieten the OCDemon enough for me to be able to do my ERT more effectively.
So I was wondering if anyone had any experience with fluoxetine?
Did it help you?
Did it enable you to do CBT/ERT?
Did you have any side effects?
If so, did they subside after a few weeks?
Or those of you who have taken fluoxetine in the past, did any side effects continue even after you stopped taking fluoxetine?