Hi everyone, I am wondering if anyone in the UK can tell me if there is any other way I can see my blood test results on line other than GP’s app, “My GP”. and NHS app. Up until six months ago I had access to all blood test results and previous ones which I liked for comparison. However, the GP’s Surgery have stopped access to Test Results page on the app for all Patients. I have enquired about this on numerous occasions throughout the plat months to be fobbed off with the excuse “ we are having a new system installed which has some problems”. Surely it doesn’t take over six months in these days of technology! My NHS App only gives the GP’s results, which are also inaccessible . Any suggestions of any other way I can see these results would be appreciated. I can get a paper copy from the surgery if I request it from a Dr. each month or two months when I have Haemo check up phone call but this means a journey to surgery each time. Thanks if you spare time to read this! Didn’t mean it to be so long! Fran
Access to Blood Test results on line.: Hi everyone... - MPN Voice
Access to Blood Test results on line.

Sorry to hear about the problem with access to your labs on the portal. My hematology office also had an "upgrade" (actually a downgrade) to the patient portal that cut off access to the historic view of my labs that is more useful. It is important to note that the company than designs the portal is a separate entity from the hematology practice. I complained to the IT company. They still have not fixed it nearly a year later.
The workaround I am using is to use a patient portal message to request an electronic copy of the historic view of my labs. Staff can use the electronic medical record to create a PDF of the requested labs which they can email or post in the portal for me. If you are at the doctor's office, you can also request the historic view rather than the single lab view. Every EMR I have ever seen can do this.
All the best.
hello Fran
I would ring haematology nurse at Hospital where you are seen . They have in the past sent me results by email or will send by post . They should be helpful when you explain ( hopefully)
Let us know how you get on
Best wishes to
Thank you Carolyn, I will try your suggestion though I haven’t had much luck in the past with the nurses. Consultant’s Secretary might be more helpful. I’ve never been given a particular Nurse to contact if need be as I note some people who post have a designated ‘Go to’ Nurse. Have you?
I don't have a part Nurse. Just ring and always speak to someone who is very helpful and spends all the time I need to chat.... That's at norfolk and norwich.
Good luck
It sounds as though our answers need to be country specific as I don't always recognise the terminology used.
I'm also in the UK and have never been able to see my hospital results. I was diagnosed last November and have a dedicated nurse. I have my bloods done at the GP's for convenience and the nurse rings a couple of days later. I only get figures for platelets haemaglobin and White Cell Count and a general comment on the other readings.
I'd love to be able to maintain a historical record too!
I have a similar problem. But with my haematologist. She won’t send the results to my GP. Just the basic blood results so I can’t follow progress on line either. This is frustrating. Especially as she has been doing a cancer check recently and just asks me if I’m losing weight or not. NHS doesn’t give you the access it promised
If you find a way around it do let me know
I certainly will. My blood tests are taken at the GP’s and I presume hospital gets them for Haematologist.
They are your results and they have a duty to let you have them . . Your GP has to have all your medical notes otherwise how can they help you .Things go wrong when there is no co operation between involvement in your care.
Thank you so much for your replies. I am able to get a print out of a blood test result each time from the GP’s but it means getting a doctor to authorise it every time and drive there to collect it. They don’t seem to be interested in making it a permanent thing. I used to be able to look back on all previous results on the App. I’ll keep on trying various avenues! Thanks again. Fran
Hi Fran, , got mine on MyChart App for a short time , , dunno if anyone mentioned it here. It's an NHS App I think but not sure if linked to GP Apps or Haematology. Might be worth a look if yon haven't already. . I'm lucky because I get mine automatically on MyMFT because I attend clinic in Manchester. Good luck , , it really shouldn't be difficult to access ones results in this day and age but sadly often it proves to be the case.
Regards - Chris
most hospital have a computer system that you can access after registering. The bigger hospitals use my chart by epic. You can link my chart if you are treated in more than one hospital that uses epic. There is always a delay on imaging and pathology so you see the consultant first before you read these results.
Hello Azalea! I get my hospital blood tests ( those executed prior to appointment with haematologist) on a portal called Patients Know Best.Test results posted on this promptly. Also posted on this are hospital clinician’s letters / reports and date of next appointment. Nothing connected to GP goes on this portal.
I also have trouble accessing blood results. Before lockdown I always got a paper copy from the hospital, when it moved to telephone consultation that stopped. My hospital has stopped their app, but you couldn’t get any type of results anyway. If I see the haematologist in person I always ask for a paper copy, which he gives reluctantly, but again if it’s telephone can’t get a copy. Same as you with gp, has to be authorised and collected. Yet they can post letters for appointments. I only have My Chart with Guys but my hospital don’t send them results either. I like to keep a copy to see any changes myself. It’s like it’s a secret we’re not allowed to know about!
go online My Care register and you get to see all results letters appointments .
Hi, I thought the other day that I was unable to access results from the past...but if you scroll back where all your consultations are they come up still. Hope this helps x
I use MyMFT. Received the results of a full blood count via the link they gave by email (plus over results) often the patient receives the results before the Surgery
The problem in the UK is that GP practices have a choice of apps they use and each NHS Trust often seem to have there own app or system. I can see test results my GP requests on the Patient Access app.
At Stockport NHS Trust I can see appointments online for certain outpatient departments but no test results. I used to get the venesection nurse to print off blood results.
At The Christie any app seems new or in the pipeline. My Consultant is happy to email blood results as I'm sure the clinical nurse specialists would be.
The situation is fairly typical of UK government BIG I.T. projects. There's often no joined up thinking and billions can be wasted. At least there's no money involved like the post office 😲.
As others on here have suggested , the hospital may have a patient portal you can register for and see the results that way ? I recently discovered my hospital ( Oxford) has one and it has been a revelation to be able to see all my results and look back historically ! Until then, I relied on one of the lovely nurses to email me a copy of my results. I suppose the bigger issue here is why on earth should it be so difficult to access our own medical information ? I appreciate there can be IT issues..... but not for 6 months ! I do hope you find a solution
Wow, I was not aware Oxford had a portal! What is it and how can I register? I am still getting my results from my nurse. Thank you in advance
Hi, yes a surprise for me too ! It's called Health for Me. I contacted the myeloid team saying I wanted to register for the OUH patient portal and a nurse rang me and set me up over the phone and then emailed me a link to to access it. It was pretty straightforward. Good luck -it's a total game changer being able to see it all online
I would always recommend people save (pdf) or print off all their results. Don’t rely on being able to access them .
You could Write a formal letter to your gp requesting full access to all your notes. I printed 2 copies, got the receptionist to stamp, sign and date both to prove they received my request , and asked for it to be logged on their system.
Clearly the doctors have full access all the time. If the computer system has a hiccup for patient access, they can print you a copy , the old fashion way.
Same at hospital. Inform them in writing that you want to be sent a copy of whatever they send to your gp plus all blood test results. Keep your own copy as proof .
It’s not fool proof but worth a try. Then if something happens, you have the evidence you have requested information and it has been denied. Then you can take it to the next level.
I’ve had to do this with my mum as she has dementia. There have been some issues recently so I have made formal complaints and I can back up everything thanks to my signed stamped and dated copies.
I use the Patients Know Best ( PKB ) app google it I have my full blood results within a couple of hours of having my bloods taken and it’s very detailed
yes download MyChart. You have to ring your hospital & they sort out passcode etc . It’s a white background with red heart on . The hospital list all your blood tests on it & messages. I also have Guys Hospital who share my information with my local Exeter hospital. It’s a good app . NHS app is useless they don’t list my blood tests on it. Hope this helps you . Julia . 👌
morning azalea I have been lucky sometimes to get results emailed to me by my consultants secretary so when they are hospital tests that has worked . But i agree my Gp new system seems reluctant to let me see results in a format that I can compare . L
Everything seems to be complicated. Why can't the hospital and doctors everyone involved be connected. My doctor doesn't know what my hospital says, and changes my tablets that can't be right. I have a memory problem and my daughter has to attend with me so inconvenient for her.
My GP has an app that doesn't work. They don't use the NHS app because they have their own (which doesn't work). However the hospital patient portal is excellent, and I can get my blood tests done in the hospital outpatients rather than at the GP surgery, so I have everything on there since I started visiting that hospital. It does make such a difference!
my nhs app gave me results all the way back to 2015, I then moved area and now I can’t access them anymore, only up to a year prior.
Now you have said this I am wondering if it is what other people have expressed in that it’s down to the GP surgery you are with…I find it bizarre that I used to have all those years access when I lived in another are !!!!
I am under Southampton General and they have an app called my medical record all my lab results are on there. I got my results same time consultant does. I had bloods done for GP at same time I've seen those too. 6 months is a long time for your surgery to get a system up and running.
Hi. I have exactly the same problem. I recently requested access via my hospital patient access department. I had to complete a couple forms and sent some proof of identity. I'll hopefully get a response in the next week.It is frustrating that it is not joined up.
Ironically, I work for NHS England so have raised this internally too but above my pay grade!
I'm in Derby and the Haematology nurse, on request, will email me the results, so I have always kept my own. The GP does not see a copy, so they are not on the GP system. The hospital Trust uses Patients Know Best but so far this has not provided blood results. At the moment it's not functioning at all. Good luck!
I don't have anything to add to the several good suggestions you already received. Hopefully one of them worked out for you.
Assuming you are able to get a copy of your results, I just wanted to mention that one of the best things I did for myself from the beginning (nov2022) was to create an excel chart for my bloodwork. I update with date and med (HU) level every time I get a new set of data and spend a few minutes looking for trends. I surely do not understand what they all are measuring, but I know enough to understand that if I see a trend in one of the measures that I should inquire about it during a visit.
I hope you found a solution that works for you.