I had a blood test this morning, just a 6 monthly check and within an hour for I received an email from nhs patient knows best with my results. Also with some nice features like trends of results over the last 5 years. I've had the app for years but this is the first blood test theve given in full without having to wait for the phonecall. This is helped with the anxiety I used to have waiting for the nurse specialist to ring, is this a normal way now of the NHS or is it just my hospital.?
Patient knows best email: I had a blood test this... - MPN Voice
Patient knows best email

it varies from hospital to hospital and GP to GP. That sounds like a really good service.
hi John, I also use the app, have been using it for 3 years and have always got results very quickly. Sometimes before the hemo nurse phones. It is a great service. It is only results from hospital tests not anything through my GP.
Hope your results were good 🙂
Thanks roxy, my result are good, my reds are creeping so probably due a venisection, happy days!
good morning. That’s brilliant. Could you tell me what the app is please. Take care
Hi maisie, as far as I'm aware you need to sign up to the nhs app with you nhs login, this is your nhs number on your letters and theirs aportal within the app called patient knows best that needs signing up for. Hope that helps
That’s brilliant, I’d never heard of it, although whether my local hospital takes part I don’t know (but will soon find out!) as it’s always difficult getting results and information from them.
Not in Wales!!!
It seems to depend on who uses the service. I regularly three different departments at my local hospital - only one uses it!!!!
I too have appointments etc come through this service. It is very helpful indeed.
Is it the same as MyChart?
morning John can I just ask a question regarding patient knows best . Did you have to upload all your results and diagnostic tests to start with . I have nhs app but it rarely updates and only from gp so tried this app but It now tells me to fill in all my details and upload scans etc I assumed it would have access through my nhs app ? But now seems that isn’t so .. I always feel so cautious L
Hi, it’s fab isn’t it? My GPs use it and my local hospital. It’s a great service and it def helps with feeling more in control. I’m glad it’s helping you x
Certainly not in Scotland!
My GP surgery email me on request with blood count results, but when I had a hospital consult and asked to see the results of my blood test, the GP could not supply it and said I would have to apply to the hospital. It took two weeks to get the required form and then two months to receive the results. So when the GP took blood at the request of another consultant I asked to see the result but was again told that I would have to ask the hospital - I did not bother....
We have two systems in Scotland that handle appointments, prescription requests etc but they do not connect with each other anyway!!
I cannot fault my care with NHS Scotland but keeping informed is hopeless.
P S I had a regular blood test last week and subsequently asked the surgery for the result - it arrived promptly as a table that included both of the hospital requested tests. So the GP had these all the time but some stupid protocol obviously told them that they could not release them when I asked! Madness!!!
Isn’t it odd that here we are at the end of 2024 and a patient is pleased to receive their blood test results by email shortly after bloods being taken.
The NHS, for all it’s good points, has been woefully behind in simple patient update technology for years.
I’ve found Guys/St Thomas’ “My Chart” app invaluable since it’s introduction a year or so ago but couldn’t help thinking why it wasn’t introduced many years ago as that technology is far from new.
I'm in the States, but we have a portal with all our Drs. on it. I get my blood results there, and have done so for several years. Last test, my Hematologist called me before I could even get home to tell me that my platelets went from 575 or so to 271 in a month on Jakafi. He was so excited, and I was, too! I can also write to all of them there, and get answers in between visits. You can loop in as many Drs. as you want on it.
My hospital also use patient knows best. I find it really useful. I have my bloods taken on my appointment day and the results come through while I am waiting to seethe doctor. Gives me time to review them before I see him. I think different hospitals subscribe to different services. Where my partner goes they use Doctor Doctor . Best ask your hospital which they use
yes I had same past few times on the app. Results within 24 hrs of testing instead of waiting a month for check up phone call. Brilliant change in service it made sense to do it years ago 🤗
It is the health care provider who chooses the means by which they will communicate. I am under three hospitals for different conditions, and they all use different apps - one of them is accessed via the NHS app, and the others are not. The GP uses a fourth one, that I have never managed to get to work. In order to use these, you need to get an account name and password from the hospital/GP in order to set it up. When they work, they are brilliant. I usually have my blood test results as soon as I get home from outpatients.