dss making me do a training scheme or going to reduce my money, I suffer with depression, anxiety, panic attacks,fibromyalgia and S.A.D. I feel weepy and so alone. I cant stand to be with people i dont know and get very nervous which makes my symptoms worse, i am at a loss as to what to do can anyone advise.
job centre making me do a training sc... - Mental Health Sup...
job centre making me do a training scheme

I am of the opinion that while in receipt of ESA your disallowed to work I suggest you make an appointment to see a claimant advisor and take with you a supporting letter from your doctor and any medical paperwork you have to prove your case, also apply for DLA hope this helps.
Is the job centre aware of your mental health? I'd advise you to talk top them openly and honestly about how you're feeling, they probably are aware or how to deal with things like this. I know it's difficult, but you won't be losing anything by asking.
Good luck
This happened to me, nearing my 60th birthday, i too suffer with depp. and anxiety, panic attacks,ibs, gerd, among other things,they wanted to train me as i cant continue with my past job.My husband explained the situation over the phone as he is my main carer,basically i was unfit, they appolizised,and i heard no more.Go to your GP and explain how you feel.You have eneogh going on you dont need this.Hope it goes ok for you.x
I assume from your comments and others that you must be in the Work Related Activity group of Employment Support Allowance. This means that they think that you are capable of some form of work, either with support or with training... this will be my fate in the next six months (awaiting to here when work based interview is) but I am a carer full time for my husband so I can appeal that I already have a full time job.. and I can ask to be exempt from these trainings and work interviews.
I think that the way forward is to speak to the Jobcentre advisor , tell them that at present you are unable to fulfill the training programme due to your health and explain what the problems are. You should then ask if you can appeal the decision of being put in the work related activity group ESA. I would suggest that you also contact MIND the mental health charity to ask for information about the process and then get CAB to act as an advocate for you in this... Always make sure that you are polite and that you are happy to produce a note from your doctor to say that you are unable to attend due to your health.
I hope this helps and wish you all the best!
how will mind help me?
They have a help line and are part one of the charities currently fighting the government on ESA and DLA/PIP changes... They have a helpline and can put you in touch with someone to help... They have many calls and are looking for cases to use against the government! If not then CAB are really good - they are helping me. Good luck.
Hi it sounds like you are in the work related ESA group. I agree with the above advice and cant really offer anything new except if you have to do the training course then it is better to do it if you can. The Jobcentre are only following instructions and they can't make any decisions. Unless you can get something else sorted about your health that is. Unfortunately, they do cut benefits or stop them for a period if you don't follow their stupid instructions.
Let us know how you get on please.
Bev x
0300 123 3393 MIND HELPLINE NO: !
"Mind helps people to take control over their mental health. We provide information and advice, training and services through our local Minds. We do all this to make it possible for people who experience mental health problems to live full lives, and play their full part in society."
i am the same as you they kicked me off last month, and i also don't like to be around people.i can't stop crying over,i just don't know what to do about it,i cann't go to there meeting so i am liking to lose i council house to.but i would rather live in a tent cos i know i am not ready in myself to be able to cope with that yet.
Hello. Are you claiming JSA? Couldn't you put in a claim for ESA? Employment and support allowance? It may give you some breathing space?
The job centre and signing on is getting ridiculous in my opinion.
ESA isn't easy either as it involves a medical at some point to which they usually say you are fit for work, even if you have 1 month left on a sick note from your GP.
Do you see your doctor/psychiatrist?
If not I do think you should visit your GP.
Are you on any medication?
I'm sorry not being much help. But I do sympathise from the aspect of the Jobcentre.