Anti-Depressants repeat prescription... - Mental Health Sup...

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Anti-Depressants repeat prescription...

sasays profile image
8 Replies

Hi everyone, i was just wondering what your GP ask you / checks for when providing a repeat prescription? I'm not sure my GP has any experience in the treatment of depression and she's the only one i can see at my surgery that doest end up in me crying in my car for 20mins after each appointment. She's lovely, i can just tell she's unexperienced in the field, it doesnt bother me too much, everyone has to learn and like i said she's lovely but i just want to know what the 'normal' process is, what questions she should be asking me and if she should be checking or testing anything, and if so, what?

I'm currently on a repeat of Fluoxetine 20mg, ive been advised that i might do better on 40mg but i wanted to hold off until i get my therapy start date confirmed (im on a waiting list) and have since decided im just too tired to risk putting my dose up, it might be me, not the meds but i dont want to risk finding out. I'm already struggling to get through the days at work without going to my car for a nap. Though i think im just generally exhausted, even though im not doing much of anything, a feeling ive seen most of us are familiar with x

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8 Replies

Hi Sasays. I know every doctor's training includes psychiatry and I do know a very common reason for a doctors visit is for depression. So although she is young I bet she has already seen many patients with your symptons. All doctors are aware of and have knowledge of anti-depressant drugs so don't worry she is giving you the 'wrong' ones.

She might have to change drugs if those don't suit you but that is part of the normal process. Like all general doctors she is not an expert in mental disorders but as your primary care provider she will be able to access experts if you and she think it is necessary.

I suffer with depression and my doctor (who is also lovely) asks me how I am feeling, how I feel the medication is working and whether or not I have suicidal thoughts.

You are very lucky to have such a great doctor. In my experience most don't want to know about depression as it makes them feel uncomfortable and impatient. So make the most of yours and be guided by her. She has already passed you for therapy by the experts.

This all seems entirely in order to me. Hope I have helped.

Bev xx

Je55lew profile image

How long have you been on 20mg

sasays profile image

Hi Bev, Thanks for getting back to me. I wasnt trying to imply that she doesnt know what shes doing, apologies, and even if she was unsure, she'd certainly know more than me! Sorry if that didnt come across in my previous message. Its just she's quite young and doesnt seem to be that confident in talking to me about it, a different GP was very confident and knowledgable on the subject but not remotely sympathetic and a bit rude so i don't want to see him again.

I was wondering if she was supposed to be checking my blood pressure, or weight or anything? She hasn't asked me if im experiencing any side effects and when i mentioned something in passing it was skimmed over before i had a chance to finish, im not sure if she knew what i was saying and was trying to comfort me but i barely got a sentence out so im not sure. I'm only in there for a few minites each time and she's so smiley and lovely its a bit surreal sitting there both of pretending everything is ok. I get the impression she knows she cant help me with my emotional issues so she asks about how im getting on with the mental health team and compationately tuts along with me as i explain the numerous break downs in communication between the MH team and myself.

Therapy has actually been obtained by a self referral (its quicker than a GP referral) so my GP hasnt been involved with that process at all and the organisations work seperately from one another. The MH team ive had a few issues with and its taken months to organise and now im on a waiting list for another few months. The MH team didnt actually know what to do with me and my case had to be esculated and i had to go for a personal assesment in town. They have actually written to my GP twice, one after the telephone assesment and once after the personal assesment and i get a copy of the letters they send. The second letter actually told my GP that they were very concerned etc, have put me on a waiting list for the advised therapy and my GP must meet with me on a two weekly basis. I saw my GP a week or so after the letter was sent and they obviously don't know i get a copy as she told me they receievd a letter about the therapy wait and didnt mention anything about their appointment advise. It was actually written in capital letters and underlined. My GP actually gave me a double prescription meaning im now not seeing her next until mid Feb, which will be the longest gap since seeking medical/professional help. I don't want to waste anyone's time and there isnt much my GP can do for me now i guess but im nto sure they are just supposed to be ignoring the MH teams advise, especially without even mentioning it or discussing it with me. I didnt feel comfortable telling her that i get posted a copy of the letters so have left it.

I should also say that my GP actually told me to ask the MH worker if they think i shoudl go up to 40mg as its supposed to be quite a high dose, very much in an 'i dont actually know' manner. Of course its not the MH teams remit to advise on medication, plus it was a general overview assement with someone ive never met, nor will meet again so they wouldnt be able to say.

She's seems like a lovely lady, im just wondering if thats the only reason i like her, because i go back to the car without crying, though i am very confused as to if we've actually discussed anything! It feels a bit like getting a cup of tea by a nice girl at the cafe, its all very nice and smiley but not very relevant.

Seems the MH team haved good comms with the GP, but the GP just looks at me like a lost puppy. I trust medical prefessionals implicitely but i dont want that to be to my detrement. Since mentioning my mental issues, any physical ones seem to have been forgotten about and i dont like to cause a fuss when i dont know what im doing myself x

sasays profile image

Hey J55, Since 15th Oct this year. I went back after the two week settling in period but the second week was awful, she mentioned doubling the dose but i think she was thinking allowed and it was more a question than a suggestion. Plus we had to wait another two weeks until id have been able to anyway. Of course i wouldnt know if its a good idea or not, she hasnt recommended that i do, shes asked me if i wanted to, but i dont know what im doing and dont realy feel like this ball should be in my court. No one ive asked thinks i should go up a dose and personally i dont think it will fix the problem, i want to get into the therapy section of this mess but its just endless waiting at the moment.

I just want to know if there is anything medically i should be looking out for? Shoud i be asking her to take my blood pressure or is that not an issue? I just want to know im doing everything possible to make sure im ok physically.

Thanks x

sasays profile image

Also, on another note, does anyone look back over what they've written and wonder what happened to their English!? Im having real problems translating what i think im saying into words, at work too. ie above, 'allowed' blimey! I obviously mean 'aloud'. Makes for some very embarassing work emails

sasays profile image

Sorry - went on a bit! For anyone that can't be bothered to read through my essays above i was just wondering if my GP should be checking any pysical aspects when re presecriing my meds? Thanks and sorry for my rambles x

Hi sasays. All I can comment on is what my GP does and I am a newbie to recognising that I have stress and depression, although mostly stress. Basically he asks how I am feeling both physically and mentally. I think it is then very important to open up and let them know all the negatives and positives. I also take time to think about it before I go in to see him, so that if I have any particular concerns then I don't forget to highlight them. Often I have to write it down or I will forget. He asks a few questions based on my comments and we then discuss how to go forward. He does not do any physical checks, but we have done a number of blood tests a year ago and we looked at my B12 & folic this year which were both low, so not helping. We did the blood tests because I was experiencing a whole load of physical symptoms that could basically have been a number of things - the results ruled out any particular concerns and just simply highlighted to me just how much stress, anxiety and depression affects us not only mentally but also very much physically in oodles of different ways.

As to your typing errors, don't worry, just laugh at them. I have suffered the inability to remember things i.e. start a tale, slightest distraction and I can't remember what I was talking about seconds later, at work I might pipe up 'ah there are 3 concerns I have..' and by the time I have raised the first, the second and third have vanished! My most recent issue is that I cannot drive and talk - if I do, I go into auto pilot and completely forget where I was going! Auto pilot might take me to work when I was going to walk the dogs, or off to Sainsburys when I was meant to be dropping a friend home! Embarrassing at first but now I make it a point to laugh about. Last nights blunder was I got home found a dish in the fridge for diner and put it in the microwave to heat up. Went to my Mac, thought, no best get some diner going first, went back to the kitchen, found nothing of interest in the fridge and so grabbed a jacket potato, pricked it, opened the microwave and thought, ah, I already have a dish going! This all occurred over about 5 mins - still chuckling over it.

Take care,


charlies profile image

Hello sasay i get repeat prescibtion for citalpram every 3 month with out going to my gp using boots repeat service

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