is it normal to have headaches all day every day? I feel like I can’t get rid My doctor used to give me medicine for it but I feel like it doesn’t do anything now. My head feels like it’s pounding. Feels like it is trying to push my temples in the middle of my head. I’m not sure what is happening. All I know is these headaches make my mood worse. I wish I knew what to do to make these headaches stop.
headaches : is it normal to have... - Mental Health Sup...

As a frequent sufferer of headaches, I can tell you doctors say the most usual cause of a headache is dehydration - you have not drunk water!
To your hydration let at home, grab the skin on the back of your hand between two fingers so that it is tents up. Hold the skin is held for a few seconds and then release.
Skin with normal hydration snaps rapidly back to its normal position. Skin with poor hydration takes time to return to its normal position.
Besides drinking plenty of water
get plenty of rest if you also have a cold or the flu
try to relax – stress can make headaches worse
take paracetamol or ibuprofen tablets
take some hydralyte tablets to boost your electrolytes
try to stay at home and avoid contact with other people if you also have a high temperature or you do not feel well enough to do your normal activities
See your doctor if
your headache keeps coming back
painkillers do not help
your headache gets worse
you have a bad throbbing pain at the front or side of your head – it could be a migraine or a cluster headache
you feel sick, vomit and find light or noise painful
you regularly get headaches before or during your period
We don't have to suffer -try the DIY treatment first and if you don't get better, see your doctor.
I have a constant headache. it never goes away. I ttake meds to reduce the severity. but I see my dr regularly. if these are new to you I suggest you see your dr. Something else may be going on or he may be able to try a new med. good luck
Yeh it can be normal if you suffer with chronic migraines, I've been a migraine sufferer 17 years but I've been at a specialist hospital to treat it but after 17 years of various meds and treatments my head doctor nolonger has any more to offer me and yes it will bring you down I've been laid up 13 months now with the problem no breaks.