Not enough courses on disability - Mental Health Sup...

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Not enough courses on disability

8 Replies

Not enough courses on disability, there are courses on the law around disability. There should be more on rights, education and support for disability and medical and education break through in this area. More medicine and disability research, we need more charities and charities in eduction. Study of poverty, education and disability needed

8 Replies

When Mental Health is linked to a Disability, I find that I get assistance from various Departments in the Health Service, if in Pain the Pain Clinic will offer various courses so we learn coping skills and try and confirm your condition, treatment is given to move you on through your problems.

If you are of Pensionable Age, they try and address your mental health conditions and see if changes can be beneficial for getting around your home and garden, changes to property are mad to help you and your disability needs. I went through over five weeks diagnosis for my memory concerns, they found that my problem was not related to Dementia. I am now able to self refer if I need support. I am waiting to be seen now, the problem they say two weeks, it can take four from the initial assessment.

If you have problems with Arthritis, there are courses in some clinics to help the patient cope. Over the years I have been on umpteen courses, you just need to look and possibly explain your needs.

To understand a chronic disability, learn techniques is half way there to controlling your condition in various ways


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I have paid for Certificate in Principles of Working with Individuals with Learning disabilities with BSY - the skills network but looking for more courses I can do!

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Most of the courses I had was at Durham and the NHS, Pain Clinic.

It is strange I enjoyed the course and Durham more that my Technical Tickets, when I was a teen.


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I wanted to attend the course at Mental Health Recovery college but they gave the brochures too late - may still apply though

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You go for that, I went through six month course at Durham it was really interesting.

I also went to talks and meetings on Mental Health and Health Concerns. I mentioned Health watch and they would invite heads of Department and Nurses etc.

They had to attend as the had to explain the actions and situations in there Wards.

You were also invited to talk with Mental Health Patients and staff on the Wards.

Sometimes we had Social Workers etc who would discuss their jobs and expectations of their jobs. Very interesting I learned a great deal


CanuckAnon profile image

There is some courses on disability in certain disciplines. Nursing for instance, early childhood education, education itself, disability support worker, personal support worker. In education institutions there is usually a disability supports centre or department.... what specifically are you looking for?

in reply to CanuckAnon

Something like Intensive Interaction, music therapy, art therapy or Son Rise Program. But also medical programmes like if the teach you neuroplasticity or brain regeneration topic or such like. Health programmes, gut - food information and ways to cook. My son has non verbal autism and anything to help him and help the disabled people, low functioning people at the day centre (voluntary work I do). Courses that teach you to be carer and teaching disability, such like

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CanuckAnon in reply to

Look into disability support worker programs, nursing or health related programs, nutritionist types... here in Canada there are community agencies that offer some of these types of programs or information sessions. You could check with homeopathic centres as well as alternative med has many food related courses... you are what u eat sort of thing. You could alway audit courses so u are not required to complete assignments - just get info from it?!?

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