Update from my 1st post on here about 3 weeks ago.
I've now got somewhere to stay but it's not home,the landlord who I've been sharing with went home to be with his family over Xmas and won't be back till Jan 6th.
I still feel incredibly lonely and isolated and being in a strange house which is quite large makes it all the more difficult.
I'm lucky to get 3-4 hours sleep a night.
I tried anti depressants but they make me to hyper and about 3 weeks ago I collapsed and had to be taken to hospital.
I've been used to a family environment for Xmas for the last 10 years and this year will be spending it on my own due to my partner having an affair and chucking me out,now the new bloke is already living there and sleeping in our bed,it makes me feel physically sick,she cheats on me and I have to pay for it and suffer.
You hear people say oh just go out and make friends,but when u suffer depression and anxiety and difficulty interacting with people it's easier said than done.
Still feel absolutely useless and worthless