I long to be normal and content with who I am! I finally understand the saying that "If you don't love yourself, how do you expect for someone else to love you". That hits me hard when I think about the saying...
Random Thoughts ...Early Mornings - Mental Health Sup...
Random Thoughts ...Early Mornings
Yes the problem is how can we when those around us especially family hate your guts, like in my case. Under those circumstances we need to start again, in my case very radical.
However it is again problematic if they start to look for you and are, starting to upset the apple cart.
Live for yourself, allow your moving on and experience your dreams
Thank you for response. I will keep that in mind.
I don't know if you remember me but we were following each other on this site. In other words we befriended each other on this site. But i deleted my page due to being hospitalized. I hope that we can still chat and be supportive of each other. Once again thank you to responding to my post. I appreciate it ! It lets me know that somebody cares about what I am feeling and thinking.
sorry for the grammar error ...The last sentence should say ...**That hits me hard when I think about saying...
Always here to give support and understanding, We will help each other