About a year and a half ago, I stopped into a mental health clinic and asked them to schedule me.
When I had my first appointment, the counselor started creating a file on me and casually mentioned that I had been there for counseling at a time that was more than twenty years ago.
"Oh, they still have my file? I thought they were supposed to get rid of them after five years."
She answered that "Sometimes they keep them even longer."
In a more recent case, I went to an appointment in a hospital and was shocked to find out they still had my old address from twenty-four years ago. The weird part of this is that I had scheduled an appointment and then cancelled it so they never met me.
I looked on the HIPAA website and was able to find extensive information on how many years patient files have to be kept before they're purged but I could not find anything about how many years a hospital or clinic can keep your information if they feel like it.
I would think this might be dangerous because I don't think everyone who works in healthcare is honest so that having patient files stay on hand could set patients up for illegal disclosure of information which could lead to identity theft and other problems.
In cases where a clinic is permitted to purge your files after five years, I thought this would mean that they HAVE to purge it and there would be no option to keep it?
Does anyone here know how this actually works?