I LIKE TO USE THE MASSAGE CHAIRS AT THE MALLS. One reason why is because they cost less than going to a massage therapist. Unlike a therapist, there is no possibility of a chair secretly judging you or being so tired they do not want to touch another human being. On the upside, a therapist usually has a private office where you can't be abused by total strangers who can't mind their own business. What offends me with these chairs is that they're in places where people can walk by and stare. I have had an ongoing problem of people who are total strangers being creepy and who stop and stare me in the face and ask me personal questions or make personal comments. It really creeps me out when they stare me in the face and make creepy personal comments like, "Does that feel good?" or "Is that helping you?" Most people have been taught that it isn't polite to bother anyone who they don't know out in public! I think it's rude to invade people who you don't even know and stare them in the face and make them have to talk. Today, there were actually two men who stopped to stare at me and kept on asking me questions including, "Does that feel good?" and "Are you fighting to get in a fight?" and "How much does that cost?" Then another person stared me in the face and said, "I hope that's helping you," and she really gave me the creeps. On another day, I was not making eye contact with anyone and a lady made some creepy personal comment and leaned over and stared me in the face. When people are not making eye contact, you should take the hint and know they want to be left alone! I think those chairs should be in an obscured place where people can't be creepy and stop and stare. I also think that all the same courtesy offered up in healthcare offices and public bathrooms should be offered to those people who use the massage chairs.

Hello sittingwithfeetup
Thank you for your message.
It sounds as if you have had quite a few difficult encounters whilst trying to use these chairs. It is good that you are able to share this with us.
Do you have a support worker or friends or family that you can talk with about some of these issues?
Maybe there are some massage chairs in other centres near to you ?
Members do you have any experiences that you can share?
Do let us know how you get on.
Best Wishes
They seem to only have these massage chairs in shopping malls and most of them are right out where people can walk by and stare and ask questions. In another mall, one of these chairs stole my money, so I do advise people to watch out. I think the population would have the same percentage of intrusive people no matter where you go. I'm tempted to videotape them and put them on the news media. It seems like they need some education on their etiquette.
Could be an interesting YouTube video I guess...
I have never seen such chairs myself. Is this an American thing? But yeah, it's slightly strange that people would think they could question you; and that they would have them in open public places at all... I don't want to put the blame on you, but maybe people think, well, if you're willing to do it in public, then you're up for public questioning on your experience.
I worry about massage therapists secretly judging you also. It's so awkward when you ask if they do "happy endings" and they say "no"...
I’ve used them in the past, some time ago..
Yes people do presume you will happily chat to them about the experience, like someone mentions here I think they feel as the massage chairs are out in the public domain, they can do so 😩.
I eventually just closed my eyes so no eye contact...no one spoke to me ...
The one I used is no longer there...so I can’t have a massage anymore ....maybe put a head set on so you look like you can’t hear them, put some music on ....
Understand what you say
Good wishes 🧚🏻♀️🌺
I love them chairs too people don't creep me out I just laugh within myself and answer them
I think the only real solution in my case would be to buy my own like some people have done. It would take some saving.