My sister is scaring me too. She has dad's temper. I'm just staying here, scared, trying to help but yelled at, paralyzed by anxiety. I'm completely inadequate from severe fear. My sister yelled at me, getting frustrated, wanting to go to a concert dad lost the tikets for, i can't reassure her, she's mad, this morning she poured the milk on herself and yelled "don't stare at me, bring me wipes, I DON'T TALK TO PEOPLE IN THE MORNING!"
My sister is scaring me too. She ... - Mental Health Sup...
My sister is scaring me too. She has dad's temper. I'm just staying here, scared, trying to help but yelled at, paralyzed by anxiety

her temper like mad dog
distance is safety ...let her yell all she wants
i m goint in the oppiste direction.....what temper.......
behave or u on own
i wont carry but worthy.....
carry ms=yself she carrries herself......
pouring milk on ursel.....maybe shes just a child tho..and i dont rlalzethis...maybe shes 8
still she aint gonna die with tmeper tantrum..

I needed this perspective, thanks
ignore .....anything i say thats off.........we all*** (tons of really caring caring people say it much ** better than i can- trust me ...they alll*** feel for u.. (not * patronizing) ......tons of really realy kind genuine*** (not nicey nicey patronizing) people....lots of hardships beihnd them that can relate.....ya ....u have lot on ur plate...they all suppor5 u feel for u....send gtroup real** hugs....some of thhhee most amazingt kindest peopel here...pulling for u.....
pullingt for u......u can trust these people.....they care***** about u
agian...ignore anhyit5nt i say thats off or accideentally insulting....i dont mean it that way...sometmes say the wront thing trying to be supportive.....sorry in ....these people CARE abou5t u

Grateful they care
they do...about social justice....what if a nieghobor were in trouble or being abused.......they care....its not pity or
they dont want anything bad happening to people as much as humanely possible....every has righ5t 5to decent life everyone here ben t5hough harde times so hy know
The stress and heartache from your old home just don't stop for you. It breaks my heart. I hope by the time you read this you are on your way back to your new home or are there already.
And I am sorry that your sister has developed such a temper. I still think the best thing you can do for her is to get back out and show her that it is possible to find another way to live life. Your strength and courage will lay down a path for her to follow.