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I'm looking for help dealing with depression, its ruled my life for years and has contributed massively to my marriage breaking down again. I hope to find some sense from other people in the same situation, as I am tired of all the darkness.

10 Replies

Hello Peterwth


Have you talked to your GP/Doctor yet, are you on medications, or have they arranged a Treatment Pathway ?


in reply to

Hi Bob

Im booked in with the GP on thursday.

I moved from england to wales 3 years ago, help in england was poor, im just hoping there is more here.

Thanks for answering.


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Good Luck with your Appointment, Thursday.

Merry Christmas


Youtube has lots of positive thinking and mediation youtube. Calming yourself down and noticing the now of life rather than worrying about the past or future. Also there are lots of books that you can get to help if you do not naturally think of positive things.

MAS_Nurse profile image

Hello Peter and welcome to this community. I'm sorry to hear that you are struggling at the moment and that your marriage has suffered as a result. Is this a recent event? Maybe you could tell us a little bit more about what is going on in your life at the moment and our members will support you by sharing their experience and wisdom. I see that Bob has asked you about seeing your GP, it's good that you have an appointment on Thursday to discuss things e,g, medication, counselling, talking therapies. Have a good look around this site, in particular at the pinned posts, where you will find a lot of good information. Please keep in touch. Best Wishes MAS Nurse

kenster1 profile image

hi and welcome to you not married but been with my mrs nearly 9 years in the beginning it was pure heaven I met her not long after my mum died and break up of previous relationship it was a distraction from my reality.after the honeymoon period as they say it felt just like a normal relationship and that was great still.but then my head just bombed again and its defo had an effect on my relationship.hope you can work through it together.

Kenstar1, sounds just like me. Second marriage and it's the second time this one has gone off the rails. I don't think she will consider a third chance. The worst part is I know it's happening, but the darkness just lays so heavy in my mind I can't muster the energy to fight and let things run amok. I want to fight for her but it's just too late, she will not believe I can do it or want to. All I know is this needs to stop, I don't know why or how I got like this I do know im tired and want to get this thing out if my head and regain a life. These are the first steps on my road and i want them to be towards the end not just down a wrong turn as usual. Thanks for taking the time to answer.

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hi peter

i am not married but i have been with my gf for 8 years now and i am feeling the same.

i can say that although i am sorry that you are experiencing this i (and maybe you) can take some comfort in knowing that there is not necessarily anything wrong with the relationship, and other people have the same problems and work through them. my brain is taking me down a dark path which does not align with what i want so i am going to start a course of CBT next week. i hope you are doing okay.

danni1994 profile image

Hey I know that feeling each day is fight for me I don’t know what to do any one got any idea

in reply to danni1994

hi danni

are you taking any medication or having any kind of treatment?

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