I’m so tired of pretending to be someone I’m not. I’m not optimistic, okay? I don’t know how to tell everyone that I may have depression. I’ve never told anyone about how I’ve felt EVER. Whenever I’m asked how I’m feeling I get a panic attack. It sucks to hear about how “lazy” I am all the time cause I won’t get out of bed. I haven’t had a friend in 2 years. I planned on joining the navy soon, but I don’t know if I can do it. Not in the state I’m in now. How do I tell my family about this and get a proper diagnosis? Should I just contact my doctor in private first? But even then I’m terrified about anyone finding out. I feel like the alien specimen that everyone stares at.
I Need Advice : I’m so tired of... - Mental Health Sup...
I Need Advice

Go for the Navy it is a marvelous way to see the world.
I had the chance at Marine Tech, I trained as a Radio officer, and Marine Electrical Engineer. flunked it and had to retrain although I would personally advise go for the job and see the world. It was the saddest error I made not pushing harder. Although I did get my Marine ticket for Power Boats, also my Marine Radio ticket when I was sixty five. So in a way I got my tickets for 10m Power Boats
Good Luck
The most important thing we can do for ourselves is accept who we are. Admit that we all have issues we need to work on, figure what our issues are, and go to work on them. Find the positive things we have (we all have positive) going for us, and build on them. Therapy can help us figure these things out.
I would rethink, several times, joining the Navy or any other branch of the military. It may seem like an out, but it could end up being a bigger bite than can be dealt with right now.
Best wishes to you. You are a fine person, just need to sort out a few issues, as we all do. Especially when young.
Hi. I just want to say I'm so sorry for the way people behave. You are not lazy. Panic and anxiety disorder are an illness. but it's very possible to get well from this. I know. Because I did. And I thought I'd die or lose my mind. Or both. My fear was that I'd go into a mental hospital and die there. But. That's not what happened. After daily trips to the ER. And so many tests. On my heart my brain my bowels my blood my urine. After all these tests I found a small group therapy session. And that's what really made me see the truth . I was in an unhappy marriage. I was young and had a baby. I also got sick and had a cough for months that wouldn't go away. I went to a doctor. He gave me some liquid. A couple days into it I ended up in the hospital. My heart rate was dangerous. And I thought I was going to die. They treated me. I left. My cough went away. But I was left to deal with anxiety clinical depression and panic. It became a 24-7 struggle for about three years. I prayed. I read books. No google back then. I suffered with so many symptoms it was horrible. I couldn't stay home. I couldn't leave the house. I was so tired. I felt like I was numb tingling. I felt like my racing thoughts were never going to stop. I would feel myself almost lift out of my body. That was a fun one. I'm being sarcastic. It was horrible. I can't remember all of the pain. The falling asleep at the table. I cried a lot. Had no friends. My family was hardly a comfort. No one could really understand. God did send me strangers. Like. On the playground w my daughter. Or. At church. I'd meet people who would start talking about their own struggles. It felt good to know that I wasn't alone. But. Then they would leave and I'd be by myself again. One day at the end of this struggle. I did not know it was at the time. But. I kept hearing these woman in my group talk about how long they were going through this. Some. 11 years. 7 years. 20 years ect. I knew I couldn't go that long. So. I listened to my therapist. And I understood it was in my mind. I did the breathing techniques I started to eat and drink enough fluids. I slept as much as I could. Because sleeping had become almost impossible. My ears would ring loudly all night . And. Lastly. I left my husband. I also forced my self to take trains into the city w my daughter. And go places alone. White knuckling it all the way. But it taught me I could. And did. So. It went away. The whole thing. I could think my own thoughts. And do things. My energy came back. I've been free for 20 plus years. I have three more kids. All big now. Any way listen. It goes away. You will make friends. And have energy. Don't listen to any one who says your lazy. Try to speak to someone. Just any person willing to listen. I'm here. And I care a lot. About everyone who writes in here . I hope I've helped a little. Let me know . If u need some advice. I'm here. God bless ❤️🙏🏼
And yes. I agree w Bob. I think you should go out for the navy. I had to push myself to do things. I had to force myself to get past what my brain was telling me I could not do. But this struggle is in the mind. Of course rule out any physical things that may be wrong. But after that. Do not let your mind get in your way again. Go for your dream. No matter what. I'll be here praying. And as a mom of four. I'd be so proud to hear you started on a quest to ur dream. Go for it.
Why should anyone have to find out if you don't want them to? A doctor (as long as you are not a minor) will keep everything confidential. Go and see a doctor and have a chat is my advice. x