like really no one cares about me.....just because I dont get angry. I tried to escape this horrible reality. I dont enjoy just sucks........ I'll neveer live in the moment I'll just keep worrying about whats gonna happen I can't have peace I am just addicted to worrying. I JUST Want to skip my life
I hate my life I cant wait for a new ... - Mental Health Sup...
I hate my life I cant wait for a new life?
Hi silentwinterland, I'm sorry you feel like this. Have you talked to a doctor about your mood as it does sound like you are depressed - sorry if that is stating the obvious, but it is the first step you should take if you haven't already.
I've always found that you CAN change your life, even in small ways. Nobody will do it for you. Don't see yourself as a helpless victim. Most importantly, make a conscious effort to avoid people and situations that make you feel bad or insignificant. Then try some positive changes, for instance try a new hobby, even move house if you are able to. Try improving your diet or just try new flavours and textures. Go to your local library, read posters about what's happening in your area and make a promise to yourself to go to one event in the coming month. Borrow a book in a different genre to what you've read before. Make an effort to smile and say hello to people you might not have spoken to before - you'll be surprised at the response you get. Pay somebody a small compliment - it feels good to bring a smile to somebody else's face. Watch a comedy film and let yourself laugh out loud. Play some happy music and sing or dance like nobody's watching - it's invigorating, try it!
Just a few suggestions and I hope at least one of them improves your mood in a small (or big) way. xxx
But I feel nothing.....I cant laugh much...comedy doesn't help much....and I don't have money for psychiatrist....I don't know how to be positives if life is never the way I wanted to be...I just wanted to sleep..I guess, but I cant sleep that much...I cant use drawing to escape my reality forever can I?

I don't know where you live but your GP or general practitioner would be the first person to talk to, not a psychiatrist. Feeling nothing or "numb" is one of the first signs of clinical depression and your doctor might suggest a course of treatment, whether it be counselling or some mild anti-depressants, to see if your mood can be improved without any psychiatric involvement. Going to a library costs nothing, neither do many of the other suggestions I made. But I know how hard it is to feel or do anything positive when you feel so depressed - so I'd say go and see your doctor as soon as possible and be honest with them about how you feel.
Should I eat my pills? I'm kinda scared to be happy again because you know depression has been stuck with me for years
I live in Taiwan by the way
Hi Silentwinterland and thank you for your post. I am sorry to hear things are so difficult for you at the moment. Are you receiving help and support from your doctor about how you are feeling, and are you taking any prescribed medication? It may help you to access some counselling and you can see your doctor and he/she could arrange this for you We care about you on this forum, so please stay in touch and other members will be able to give advice and support. Please remember that you are not alone. If you are feeling distressed and you are in the UK, please call--
The Samaritans Freephone 116 123 [24 hour helpline] 7 days a week
If you live outside of the UK, please see the Crisis Support Helplines on the Pinned Post section of the screen Are there any forum members who can help and support Silentwinterland, please? Keep posting and take care.
You know what bae, Go somewhere safe, but somewhere new if you can. Even if it's only for an hour; find an environment where you can feel at peace, (This can take time but) find people who will genuinely interest you. Find a passion, Poetry and writing stories/songs are my favourites. Maybe make some diet changes to combat with your mood, It will all fall into place sooner or later honey, Hope I helped
Thank you so much for the advice and encouragement. I like digital art I draw a lot and I'll keep going!

If that helps then persue it boo, Hope you get better soon!