feel like everything is falling apart, I hear voices saying to me I'm not worth it, I should be here anymore and I have failed everything in life. I keep refusing to go up A&E due to them being busy, I've tried to speak to the doctor about my issues and he said I've just got to wait until I see the mental health team but I've been waiting 3 weeks. I am scared off my future can't even think of my future. I keep feeling really low, doctor can't give me anything because it was my old mental health Dr prescribed them and they will not give me anything I've tried so many times. I'm on the edge of having a breakdown, constantly crying myself to sleep at night, isolating myself from people and put a fake smile on.
Life at the minute : feel like... - Mental Health Sup...
Life at the minute

I am so sorry you are in this spot right now. All those past disappointments are lying to you they are in the past. Hang on my friend what is your best solution for help?
I've tried walking to clear my head, tried walking the dogs and coloring nothing seems to be working anymore. Why should I even be here!
You are saying you were on meds now you’re not... if so find a way to remedy that somehow
Why should I even be here! I'm just going do something and not tell anyone
It isn't as easy as that as something could easily go wrong and you could survive but with bad injuries to yourself ; you could end up completely mentally or physically disabled not to mention the hurt to those who love you. Please get help as soon as you can. Sounds like you need to get back on the quietapine or up it urgently. Request an urgent appointment. It is ridiculous when something like this could save you and they won't let you have an appointment; you need to put your point across. Hold on and get the drugs you need.
Gemma X
Well one person cares about you. That is signifiicant. Think of them and how they care and how you care for them. I understand your frustrations and that there are not many adults who care about you but I would urge you to see your doctor again. We all care on here as well in our own way. I believe every life is precious and we all have a right to a place in the world. We will look after you best we can. X
This is sad. I have a friend whose son committed suicide silently and suddenly. Nobody knew he was going to do it. The family have all been devastated and unable to get their lives together since and this was several years ago. Its destroyed them all.
oh how awful you can't get any help yet. Would it be possible to get in touch even by email or letter with your old dr/specialist and tell him and ask if there's anything you can do as you are desperate? Worth a try as no-one should be treated like this. Would a walk-in centre be able to help instead of your GP? I am just throwing a few ideas out to you in the hope that something can be done. Take care of yourself, everyone's life is precious. You are just having a temporary wobble like most of us. Do you have any family to help you fight on your behalf? There are so many nhs cutbacks at the moment but the government has said they will put more money into mental health but that could take ages. In the meantime, everyone with depression and all other related illnesses will have to wait, which is so wrong. Can you join a group either local or online to find others locally who may know of information and places that could help you? or the library may be able to help you.
Take care of yourself even if nobody does this for you, hang on with little things that keep you happy and busy, the right moment will show up for you.