Age : 21 now
Life started changing : 2 years
Mental state before 2 years : i was a [edited] rockstar ..
So yeah , i need help , ive never done this before , not in person not anonymous, even though its completely anonymous i still feel resent in writing all this, i dont know whats wrong with me , ive been not doing anything for almost 2 years now , ive left my studies , have not left my city for 2 years , ive no friends left either , and those who are gonna leave soon i know, the thing is ive always been a silent kid my whole life , everyone thought i was very matured and way above my age , i was good in studies , i was the most popular kid in my school , had everything , confidence , ambition ..
then 2 years ago something happened , i tackled it for sometime but gave in and left my uni and came home , ive been sitting in my home for 2 years now doing nothing , ive not ambition , literally i dont want to do anything but still i dont like the situtation im in , theres a stigma against going to psychatirist in my country , my parents care for me but they are giving up on me slowly .. i really dont know what my future holds , i get panic attacks most of the time when i think of my past or future , i guess i just want to live in the present doing nothing , i cant leave this comfort zone ive created , its like ive traped myself into myself..
i know the stuff i wrote is mostly confusing and wont even make sense most of the time , but thats the main thing , how do i describe something that even i dont know myself ?????
though writing all this has made me feeling a little better , i would really like if someone takes the time and reply