I can't remember the last time I genuinely liked anything about myself. I have been on my anti-depressant for about 17 months now and I do not feel any better, the doctor increased my dosage after the first 2 months and hasn't done anything since anytime I tell them i don't feel any different.
I feel like I am beginning to gain a bad relationship with food as I binge eat alot and hide in my room when i'm eating because I don't want anyone to know how much I am eating.
I have also noticed that I am beginning to rely on alcohol alot more now too, to make me feel numb. I'm only 23 and have uni and my whole life ahead of me but I can't seem to pull myself out of this rut and it's really starting to cause even more problems for me.
I have had 2 suicide attempts and both I instantly regretted, I feel it was more than a cry for help rather than a way out but recently there isn't a day that goes by that I don't think about trying to overdose... I'm beginning to become scared of myself and what I might do