Hi, so I am still here and had the strength not to do anything foolish but I feel so lonely and down when will this heartbreak pain ever stop?
Still here: Hi, so I am still here and... - Mental Health Sup...
Still here

I cannot promise you that it will but we can work towards it, shall we?
Yes anything to make this pain go away
Thank you. May I know the reason behind your heartbreak?
This is what I posted few weeks back explains what has happened
"Hi I write this with tears in my eyes and a sense of total loss, I was married for 22 years and have one son, she walked out on us 3 years ago and I got into a relationship with another lady about 10 months after, she ended this in Aug this year, she had four kids and lived 60 miles away from me and this just put a strain on everything she said she would never leave me but she did so another failed relationship, I miss her and dont know what to do I feel like just ending it all, I am suffering from depression and just can't seem to find a purpose in my life, everyday I have to put on a fake smile and pretend its all OK, go to work and put on this great act that nothing is wrong.
Today i am working from home and just feel like I wish I could sleep and never wake up again, why is life so painful why does it punish us so much :-<"
That must be very difficult for you. What is their reason for leaving you, if you do not mind me asking? It is fine if you do now want to tell me.
My ex wife left me as she had an affair, and the last relationship she didn't think she was good enough for me 😪
Aww. Well one thing for sure, you lost nothing in both case. I cannot remember who said, but the quote goes like 'not everyone you lose is a lost'.
So for your first ex wife, she had an affair, she ended it and that is best thing that could happen to you. No one should stay in a toxic relationship like that.
and for your second ex wife, that is probably just a cliche reason to give. You deserve better. Believe this, you deserve someone who fights to be with you happily ever after. While waiting for that someone to come and love you madly, love yourself madly first. I am sure you can name more than 10 good qualities that you have in you? That can make you and others fall in love with you.
Hi digginsa, as Mishdel has posted, we can all work towards helping you to feel better. Please stay on the forum and remember that you are not alone. There are crisis support helplines [on pinned post section to the right of the screen] that you can also contact. Take care and best wishes.
Hey Digginsa, How you doing? Im so sorry your feeling so low and Lonely but please remember we are all here for you. Its heartbreaking when someone cheats on you but i promise you , you can get over it, it was nothing to do with you, it was all your Ex wifes fault, she was the one in the wrong and had a problem, she thought the grass was greener on the other side and no matter what you did or didnt do she still would of done it, so you were to good for her.. As for this second lady you meet and formed an relationship with, hAVE you asked her to explain more into what she means by that she feels shes " Not good enough" for you . How long were you together before she decided this? This isnt your fault, There isnt NOTHING wrong with you, so please dont think there is ok, its all there problems, im interested in why she would say this... You need to try and focus your mind on other things, like Work, or meeting up with mates, and going down the pub, or doing something that you really enjoy doing that you havent done for a long time. Take time out for just YOU... you deserve it.... Hang in there, it will stop hurting in time, i promise and you will come out of the other side maybe you could pop along to your Dr for a little chat as you might need a little help for a while... Take care lots of hugs xxx
Thank you for your response, hard to not blame myself when these women always leave me, To answer the questions the last lady we were together two years she had a very troubled past and meet some horrible men in her life, I was totally different and treated her and loved her with respect, this was alien to her and I think she just expected me to end it, so she convinced herself she was not good enough for me, our backgrounds were very different, plus the distance and her having four kids and me having one, she didn't work or own her own house, I work and have a house but not big enough for all, but despite all of this I would not have dumped her I was trying to make it work.😪