I have watched this show and can really relate with alot of it, some of it is just darft tho. Have you seen it and what did you think as fellow sufferers???
13 readons why?: I have watched this... - Mental Health Sup...
13 readons why?

Meant 13 REASONS WHY......
I watched it,found it kind of annoying,mainly because the guy kept on avoiding listening to the tapes the show could of probably ended in about three episodes if he just listend to the tapes.
All of that wha wha,why am i on the tapes,wha wha,is it my fault,wha wha,just listen to the tapes and you will knowww, but other then that, was a pretty decent series about a topic that is not disccused openly enough even in this day and age.
It could also trigger people though,especially if you self harm,apparentlly some people think it will cause more harm then good,due to people thinking that the show glorifies(maybe not the word i am looking for) suicide.
Hi CJ. Sorry but could you amend your reply please and take out the f......g word as I find it upsetting and obscene. Thank you.
I thought it was really boring and dumb. Also, it was triggering for me. The part where she slashes her wrists just made me feel at ease. No good.

I found after watching her slash her wrists, just give me the urge to cut
Yes, exactly! I felt the same. I haven't done that in a long time, so it was very surreal to have that urge again.

I still cut so maybe it was not the best idea to watch it but was kind of addicting in that I couldn't help but keep watching.
Why do you cut ?
Why do I cut? various reasons,I hate my self(my body) sometimes I feel like I deserve it, to keep my mind occupied on something other then life.
And to a degree it's addicting,I have been addicted to the gym,sex,food and now to some extent this.
And from my understanding all of those things have one thing in common,they all release endorphins.
I understand that I use to cut , for me it was to help me see that what ever pain I was feeling was actually an emotional pain and the pain when I cut was much more real , I hope you get better with that
Aw no, im really sorry that you are still struggling with cutting 😞 I know how hard it is to quit. I hope that you can find the will power to stop soon 💜 Its not a good idea to watch things with self harm, it usually will have a bad effect. It happens tho. I'm sending you hugs ☺

Why did you cut ?