Met with psychologist today. I'm on max dose venlafaxine but still have regular dark and suicidal thoughts. Psychologist was talking about adding lithium. Is any one else using lithium? Does it work? Any side effects?
Lithium: Met with psychologist today. I... - Mental Health Sup...

Lithium is the only drug with evidence for reducing suicide outcomes (but only by a very small amount). However it does have a lot of potential side effects, particularly on kidney function and as such regular blood tests are required.
Personally I had no side effects that I was aware of but unfortunately it failed to improve my suicidal thinking.
Thank you for replying. What did you go on to after lithium didn't work?
I started with antidepressants various and numerous. After 4 I was labelled as treatment resistant. I also tried olanzapine, and risperidone.
Also some stronger antidepressants -mirtazapine and tricyclic antidepressants.
Also ECT
Unfortunately none have helped
I tried them, also venfalaxine. I've done EMDR etc.
How do you cope Day to day? What are your options left to try?
nothing left. Just resilience, talking treatment and hoping.
Oh and I also tried MAOIs
Its worse if I don't sleep so I continue mirtazepine45mg and fluoxetine
I look up qwerky things like Ho oponopono, philosophy, trying to keep active, distractions
Are you on max dose fluoxetine? How long has it been since you ran out of options? You seem to be pretty strong, very self reliant.
I can tell you that Goldfish has conscientiously tried every therapy and has had privileged access to every form of medical help due to his former job as a GP.
All this he has posted. The fact that he hangs in there is a tribute to his courage and should inspire us all. He is obviously strong and self reliant but sorely tested .As with myself, he has some material things going for him but we both know they make little difference.
The lesson from this is not just the impotence of the medical profession to help some , but also the more important role of our own courage and resolve until the good times return and when the medical profession can do little to help. The med. pro. can of course give varying degrees of help to maybe 95% of us.
Lesson 2 is we urgently need more scientific research into depression . IMO Psychiatry , Psychology and Medicine largely ,are not sciences ,especially the first 2 ,although no doubt some ,I suspect a small proportion , among them are capable of and do practise scientific methods. Fortunately biology has of recent years moved closer to being a true science so there is hope.
I hope Goldfish will forgive me for paras. 1 and 2 but all this he has posted himself and I thought it useful to summarise a few things he might not directly put into a single post himself. He may not agree with paras. 3 and 4 of course, although I'm 73 and never been wrong yet, except I once mispelt konsheentiously ( back in 1954).
Hello, I have been on Lithium since Sept 2015 at the same time I was on 325 venlafaxine plus trifluperizone. Lithium is ok, only side effect for me initially was feeling more thirsty, but you are encouraged to drink plenty anyway. Yes it's a bit of a faff at the beginning with blood tests etc but it soon stabilised. After 6 months I developed acne on my shoulders and back. Now I have a antibacterial lotion to put on which reduces the inflammation. Having now been diagnosed as bipolar I am on Lithium, Lamotrigine, Efexor and about to start Pregablin. Hope this helps.
Hi there I am sorry for how you feel! I have been on the meds yo are on but have found a med called Cymbalta has done the trick, no side effects. Pe haps ask your specialist about it. Wishing you well.
I have been on 800mg of Lithium for over 25 years no side effects apart from urinatating more frequently. However I was never suicidal, it does put a lid on your emotions but I have carried on a normal life since and sometimes feel saner than a lot of people around me😊😊. I would definitely try it. Personally I feel Lithium has less side effects than some others like Sertraline which my son takes, or other drugs used in pyschiastrist medicines. Trial and error sometimes. Just do not be fearful. I wish you well and hope you improve soon🤗🤗