Has anyone got any tips as to how to mange self harm? I've started to get into that cycle of harm, feel rubbish for doing it, harm more and really need to break it so any ideas are very welcome. Thanks
Self harm: Has anyone got any tips as... - Mental Health Sup...
Self harm
Yes you need to go to your doctor and get help. That's how you manage it. I know people do it as an antidote to mental pain but it is a red flag that you need help with ad's and/or therapy. x
I have told the crisi team and they are trying to support me -by that I mean I have to show them what I have done and they take any means I can use to hurt myself away from me. I'm not sure this will work but I hope so. It does feel good to have some support in getting over it.
Well that's good well done. Hold on to the hope. x
Hi have you spoke to any self harm professional docs, ring up women's aid and ask them about self harming,I recently started doing it again after 20 years of stopping so I no how you feel, hope this has helped x
I hadn't thought of women's aid -thank you I might try them. Basically the crisi team support is ok but I really need more support than just hem taking everything away (especially as this relies on me being open with them about what I have.) I hope you are able to stop too, it must be so frustrating after having not done it for so long, but if you have done it once you can stop again I am sure. X

Thanks so much, let me know if you any where with them,I'm a single parent and have been doing everything myself for 20 years, I've just turned 40 and have recently had a breakdown which I believe is the cause of my relapse,I also have other health issues which to be honest I can get help with after 6 year's of battling with myself,I hope you get some answers, I have used woman aid they where brilliant, all i need is a magic wand and a house move, then maybe I will forget how I feel sad,x
I suggest when you deal like you want to do it listen to your favourite music or go for a long walk