Well it's been around 4 day's without cutting,(that's a new record for me),granted my arm's do have scar's now,but they are not OTT and depending how long i can go without cutting perhaps they will fade over time),my mood has not been "down" either,nor has it been as "up" as it has before,but i wouldn't say i am feeling content either,best way to descibe it is not "bothered" sort of feeling motivation is kind of 50/50.
Even when thing's don't go my way or someone say's something that would normally cause me to "trigger" and change my mood pretty rapidly,nothing has,strange,but i suppose it's a good thing to some degree.
Granted i still have that nagging urge to cut in the back of my head,it's like a constant loop of wanting to just pick that blade up and start cutting,but i have resisted the urge so far,problem now binge eating has sort of taken over from it.
So yeah,i have not taken any picture's in a day or two either,been really busy with work,so maybe that's another reason,i have been busy to the point of not having time to think,see how it is by the end of the weekend,i have to look after my father seeing as my mother has gone to visit her brother for the weekend.
Normally this situation would stress me out,but again so far so good. But anyway,hopefully the two pictures that i have shared won't "offend" anyone,it's just i have been hiding my arm's for so long,and this has been the "cleanest" they have been a long time also.