Got my therapy today I feel like I don't want to go. I know I have 2. It's my last chance if I don't turn up.π
Feeling. Low and tired. Today. - Mental Health Sup...
Feeling. Low and tired. Today.

Hello, juju. Why don't you want to go? Is it a physical tiredness or an unwillingness to go out of the house or another problem?
Hope you made it eventually
I have gone for my weekly therapy visits if I 'felt like it' or not... and was always glad that I did... I always try to stay open and consider what she suggests...even though at the time I may not always agree at the moment! It's so easy to surround myself with all kinds of excuses and defenses...but! those aren't helping me, either. Don't expect an instant 'cure all' or 'magical answers' ... its a process...sometimes a slow one... but in the long run, I've so appreciated my visits with her. Just be real upfront and totally honest with them....even if it feels embarrassing or difficult...because, to me, it paid off.
Good luck to you, Juju! Give it a try!