Introduction to me and why I'm here. - Mental Health Sup...

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Introduction to me and why I'm here.

11 Replies

Hi everyone,

Below I've attached a picture of myself.

This is my first post so not quite sure what to say, my name is Rob I'm 22 years old, I suffer from depression, and social anxiety. However this never used to be the case, I was really outgoing and happy, however now I can't be with new people and struggle to get along with people in a large group. When I feel down I'm really low, I don't move for days and it's getting in the way of me having a life I used to have. So really I guess I'm reaching out for someone who's experienced this before and is now further on in getting over this, and how they did it so I can try and use that as a platform to become happy again.

Any comments would be very much appreciated :)

11 Replies
Satsuma profile image

Hidden Hi and Welcome. This site will sure help you as it has me. I hear what you say and I have to say there are no quick fixes. There is usually a trigger for our depression. Has anything happened to cause this feeling ? Have you told your GP ? I advise you see him/her and explain how you are feeling. I am no health expert but I am a sufferer of bi polar . I have recently had some major life changes which have impacted me deeply causing a downward spiral of depression. I have clawed at the bottom of the barrel so to speak and since being on here and chatting I have gained strength and determination to rise above the flames metaphorically speaking. I have also looked at my diet and made some changes and that has made a huge impact on the way i feel too. I still have the problems to conquer but my attitude towards them has changed which impacts on all areas in my life. I have discovered I have faith and hope in the fact that they will get sorted and that nothing stays the same. If we let the depression grab us then it contains us and digs in deeper into our psyche. I was suicidal only a week ago and last weekend could not see any way forward. Now I can. It has took me a long time and a huge struggle to get to where I am but talking does help on here. I have not been a member long myself but have used the site and you could say it has been my backbone. The people here are amazing. I have wrote some poems on my journey and you can see where i was at to where I am now. I will get down days, however, it is up to me how I handle them as I am the master of my emotions. The freedom and power that gives me to say that is immense cos I do have it I realise now. We all do. We just need to tap into that power. It is within us all. What works for me might not work for you as we are all different. It is about finding out what does work. A path of exploration so to speak. A light switch has come on for me and it has given me alot of insight to myself. Hope this helps. Baby steps too and a day at a time help me enormously. And not being too hard on myself.

denvajade profile image

Hi there Rob it is a terrible place to be in, I know been there done that! As it were. Only diff is I have suffered from depression all my life but new upsets trigger it again and again. Recently I got on. A very good anti depressant, I have tried many, this hasn't me I a better position and I see light at the end of the advise is don't isolate yourself as you can get worse doing this. Spend a little time with those you feel comfortable with. See a counsellor if you think talking it thrum will help be kind to yourself, lots of rest. But don't stay in bed too things even though you may not feel like it, go walking, riding or the gym can help. Wishing you well keep inTouch.

denvajade profile image

Ps you are a lovely looking young man but look tired! Emotionally. You can have a great future.x

Amanda35 profile image

22 is an amazing age to be. It must be hard feeling so low at the moment. Eating and sleeping really impact on health so try to keep a routine with these. Think of any hobby you've enjoyed and try to spend a bit of time thinking of this. Today is your day and it may sound trivial but you deserve to have an amazing day today. Worrying and feeling down is so tiring for you. Just simplify your life. Small steps to enjoyment. I speak to people who are down in my job and there is no easy solution. You must be kind and proud of yourself. I'm so glad you had the courage to share your feelings. Tell school children dont hurt yourself, dont hurt things or others, but tell others how you feel. If you are alone write down stuff, 5 mins of negative stuff followed by 15 mins of positive thoughts. Just take care of yourself. I love positive proverbs and funny ones too, Look up anything that used to make you smile and find out if it can distract you from sad thoughts and feelings.

Cynthia12345 profile image

Hi I have been there and know how terrible it is. The first thing is to make sure you

have professional help if you feel you need it. Do you live on your own?

that can be bad and the outside world seems massive and frightening.

Make sure you have a routine and if friends can help by calling to take you out each day.

A regular diet and as you are so young I am sure you can succeed.

Do seek medical advice if things don't improve.

Hi Rob,

Welcome, you'll find the people on this forum are very supportive and will listen and help you.

There are lots of useful things you can do to help yourself and I know how hard it can be on those days you can't move and how hard it is to go from being sociable and active to not wanting to just be on your own and not do anything.

I had to do my shopping at 3:00 a.m. in the morning in order to get it done as I knew there would be very few people shopping at that time in the morning.

So what can you do. Well seek professional advise for a start. Check and see what stress management/ control course are available in your area.

If you have a close friend that you trust and who you know will support you it would be worth talking to them about what you are going through.

A good healthy nutritional plan and exercise are a must. I know it's tough to eat healthily when you are so low, but it will help.

If your sleep pattern is disrupted then setting up a sleep routine can help you not feel so tired. This will help you to be able to think more clearly.

Goal setting so that you set large and small goals for yourself that you can see the achievements help too.

There are other things that can help depending on your circumstances.

We are all individuals and what will work for one person may not work for another so it's good that this group shares.

Above all remember you are not alone, you don't need to feel bad about how you are feeling.

If you've any questions or just want to talk we're hear.

Before I forget I'd suggest checking out the catch 22 of depression post on this forum the video there might be of help.

Take care and look after yourself.

Maltesers11 profile image

I am 47 female and going through yet other hard time. I was anorexic for 9 years, but been feeling great until break up of marriage. You have everything to look forward too. Just love the good times and tick the bad ones off your list of things to do. I have just learnt to do that too.

mouli1956 profile image

nutraceutacals definitely help you to win over the disease

try useing Magnesium in the chloride form 50 mg twice day /2 months and 50mg once aday for 4-6 months uninterruptedly you will see the result gradually,use curcumin,ginger fresh a small piece of 1/4lnch and garlic 1pearl on empty stomach.,both to be crushed in the mouth,take anything after half an hour except gluten food

wallflower_fairy profile image

Hey Rob,

I'll be turning 22 soon and while I've never been diagnosed with depression in its own right, I've been diagnosed with anxiety on and off in my life, and have other conditions where depression comes with the territory. I've been in and out of that dark place over the years, and when I look back at my writing during that time (writing about how I feel helps me), and get reminded about what I was thinking and feeling, I think I probably had depression and it wasn't picked up on - I certainly wouldn't say I was mentally well, that's for sure.

You're not alone. I think a lot of people our age struggle with their mental health, and I don't think growing up surrounded by social media helps. On one hand there is less stigma attached to mental health; and yet on the other, we're supposed to depict this perfect image of our lives on social media - and seeing other people’s seemingly perfect lives on there, only contributes further to our own anxiety and self-doubt. Basically, many of us just try to deal with it on our own, not wanting to burden our friends, and probably not even realizing that one of more of our friends is doing the same thing, wondering if they've done something to upset us because we seem so distant lately, while we're wondering the same about them. I think that's the sad truth of today. I think loneliness is a significant thing we struggle with.

Being as young and attractive as you are probably doesn't help either, because people would probably take one look at you and wonder what you've got be depressed about. Even intelligent people - as their judgement about life can be distorted by their emotions. You could well be the envy of someone else on social media, possibly even someone you compare yourself to (if you did do this I mean), and not even realize it.

Sometimes when I feel down, unsatisfied, lonely, or even bored, I try to glean something - comfort, distraction - from social media; I'll think there's a chance that maybe someone has messaged me who I haven't heard from in a while, for example, or it might be a good way to pass the time, by casually going through my feed and seeing if x or y has posted anything lately. Sometimes I just do it out of habit - waiting and hoping for someone to message me - maybe with an interesting story, or asking me how I am. But it doesn't always work. Quite the contrary sometimes. Seeing that someone I liked, for example, had recently changed their relationship status to in a relationship certainly didn't give me the comfort I was looking for! (I'd been expecting it for a while but it's never nice to be confronted with it.)

Anyway, I tried a Facebook detox. It felt a little bit strange at first, but it did help after a while. I'd say sometimes it's a good way of seeing who your real friends are, because as soon as I logged out, having written a post to say I wouldn't be on for a while and to contact me over text, a friend I cared about and hadn't heard from in a while texted me. But it's not fool proof because remember there might be friends who genuinely care but are struggling with their own issues and finding it difficult to communicate at that moment in time. But either way, sometimes it's good to get a break from it and the 'information overload' that comes with it, and is something one might want to consider.

I generally try not to rely on social media for my social life and use it mainly for planning to meet up - although it's easy to get into the habit which I was recently slipping into again. The more recent issue for me has been that I’m stuck at home while all my friends are at uni (at least they were until the semester ended, some of them are sticking around and some have gone home); I took a gap year because I needed a break from my studies – so I’m lonely. My current friends are scattered across the country and I have very few left in my home town.

But since the recent detox, now when I go to reach for my phone, at 9 or 10 in the evening, because I'm feeling bit low and in the need of affection, this thought passes through my mind: You won't find the answers from in your phone. And then I put it down - it doesn't really make me feel any better, but at least I can't feel any worse - and then I'll try to focus my mind on doing something else. Easier said than done, but ultimately do able.

Anyway, that's my spiel about social media done. I'm not saying social media is actually causing you to feel bad, but it probably isn't helping. If you disagree that's absolutely fine. :-) I think sites like this are a positive because at least you can be honest about how you're feeling and people can support one another. You'll get abundant information and advice, but ultimately you have to find your own path, and what works for you. As other people have said, there isn't really a quick fix. But there are things you can do to help.

If you've been experiencing this for two weeks or more though you should speak to your doctor (which you may have already done). They'd be able to rule out any other possible conditions, and give you the diagnosis you need access the appropriate help - and would be the best for going through treatment options with. Like Satsuma, I’m also wondering if there is anything that has triggered the way you’re feeling, and this might be something worth thinking about.

This is site is great for general support, but remember it doesn't replace the relationship one has with their health professional – they should always be the first port of call. If you're interested in the advice in the previous comment, I suggest you consult your doctor first. Sorry if this comes across as patronizing, I don't mean it to be, but it's important I put it out there for the sake of anyone else who might be reading.

Regarding to feeling over whelmed in large groups, is there a close friend from the group who you would feel comfortable confiding in about how you're feeling? I see 20Voices already suggested confiding in someone you trust. You might be able to spend time with them one to one for a little while - which might be more suited to you at the moment - as you wouldn't have the stress of being surrounded by a large group of people, but would still be getting that all important face to face social interaction? At least until you're feeling strong again. As for the larger group as a whole, whenever you're ready, you might find it worth telling them you're struggling (or that you have depression, if you've already been diagnosed) just so they're aware. It doesn't necessarily mean telling them why, or going into detail (especially if you want to keep it private) but if you just be calm about it, and tell them on a need to know basis, you might feel better, because at least you don't have the worry of them wondering, for example, why you're not spending as much time with them, or being as friendly as usual. You might also be surprised at how accepting they are. And if they're not accepting, and/or try to pry, then they're not worth your time anyway.

I’ve proof read and tried to edit this comment as much as possible so it’s clear.

But there might still be mistakes as I’m getting tired and it’s just gone midnight (I should be asleep by now!).

I hope you start to feel better soon.

Hi Rob. I am 37 and was just like this especially at university. I just disliked social situations. I used to get so scared of saying the wrong things that I wouldn't bother talking much and I used to avoid lots of people. I had depression which started in childhood and then went. It then reared its head in my late teens until my mid 30s. I recently found out my depression and anxiety was caused by physical things going on in my body. I never ate great and was a size 6-8. I went in and out of stages of eating disorders and being so anxious I couldn't eat properly. My moods went up and down, then really down. I self harmed and was on every anti depressant going. I was suicidal an was admitted to hospitals 3 times. I'd go out clubbing and get absolutely wasted with no regard for my safety or health. I eventually got on sertraline and that helped me a bit, the best one for me. Then I got a diagnosis in my mid 30s of Aspergers syndrome. A few years later I found out I was hashimotos which caused all the symptoms I had. It's really important that you rule out any possible physical causes. Take vitamins, take them individually and not as a multi but as some people's body's do not absorb well from multi vits. You will most likely need to go and see your GP and get some anti depressants temporarily until your head is above water. It's hard to see anything clearly when you feel so Ill. Don't be afraid to do it. I take all suppliments now and 5-htp for serotonin levels and I am stable. Not sleeping great hence the message at 1.36 but never mind lol. Keep at it you will get better.

Bowie1962 profile image

Hi Rob,

Welcome. have you talked to anyone about your feelings? Lots of people are experiencing and have experienced what you are going. Talking therapies are good-see if you can get your GP to refer you for some counselling.

Take care


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