Hi I have just joined. I have my own set of physical illness but I joined this forum to share my emotional problems. I lost my grandad nearly 6 months ago. None of my family expected him to pass away, we visited him 2 days before he went and it was a huge shock to us all.
Since his passing I've been concerned about my nan. She has gone deaf and whispers to herself. She doesn't spend much time at the house her and grandad lived in and instead spends up to 3 days with me, mum and dad, meaning I have to share my bed with her when she stays. This isn't easy for me because my boyfriend comes up to stay during the weekend and during weeknights I need early nights so that I can get up for early morning shifts. I'm kept awake by my nan chatting away to herself next to me for hours on end or I sometimes wake up from her talking out loud in her sleep. I don't really like having to climb over her when I need to get up early in the mornings. Her GP did prescribe her antidepressants that have sedative properties to help her sleep but she doesn't alwas take them. I know I probably sound like I don't care or I sound selfish but this whole thing is making me very angry, depressed and upset and I get enough depression through my illness without having this on top.