55 yo male I am not sure what to say. I feel so lost I don't know how to describe anything anymore.
Lost and Alone at 55: 55 yo male I am... - Mental Health Sup...
Lost and Alone at 55

sorry to hear that.
now you are no longer alone, you have us. I'm hamble
have you spoken to your g.p. ?
you are welcome to post and chat on here.
sometimes it can be a little quiet, but the people are very friendly & supportive.
the Samaritans are always there for anyone who needs them, they are not just for suicidal people.
I'll look in tomorrow to see if you've been back on.
I am very sorry you feel this way. Me too actually. During my latest major depressive episode I did everything I was supposed to. I reached for help, saw my doctor, had loads of tests done. And the end of it just seems like everyone is just wishing I will just go away. That what it feels like. I have a very intense job and here I am sat alone on a Saturday night when nearly everyone I know is with friends.
You will always get a kind and support word here on the HU board. You can always PM me if you feel up to trying to describe what you are going threw right now. It is hard to find pleasure in anything when you feel depression and anxiety. But sometimes just trying to treat yourself with something fun can help and other times make you feel alone. My greatest pleasures now are changing all my sheets to freshly washed linens and after a nice long shower and bath go to bed. I do this often if not daily. Something about freshly washed linen feels and smells so comforting to me. But sometimes it doesn't always work. I also like to cuddle my pets and comfort them. They bask in the attention and I feel loved by making them feel safe and loved. But again it doesn't always work- but I keep trying to find things that do. Life can feel so empty and pointless but then we can try to find something to give it meaning. Reaching out to others that understand is a great way to start.
Hiya hon, a negative place is a horrible place to be. Pause and give yourself a hug from me..I know we aren't stood beside you but people care.
You don't need to talk about it yet we all understand and have been there even if we were surrounded by family we felt alone but you aren't.
Most of us here are a little dented but willing to support
It is horrible to feel alone. I know that sometimes it is really difficult to put things into words. When I feel like that I draw. It doesn't have to be good. It doesn't have to look like anything. Have you thought about Art therapy? It can be helpful when you don't have words to express what's going on for you. There are other people there but it's about helping you. It's something you can do alone until you feel able to join a group or find the words to say what is going on for you. People do care.
Hi Lost and and Alone? Are you there because I notice you haven't responded
To any Posts.
Maybe if you could give us a bit more information it would enable us
To relate. Have you lived Alone always? Are you working? Or why are you
Feeling this.
I'm sure lots of people can feel Alone or lost at certain times in their lives, but
They might not necessarily be Depressed, I would welcome your thoughts
On this.
your post sounds as though you need a fixed point to grab or anchor perhaps. can i offer my way out in case something helps? i forced myself to do something (my old car) that used to give me pleasure but had not for a long time. i have had a break from the world for some months.
at first it was a labour , a sort of exercise however i did find myself thinking beyond basic actions after a while.
it was a small start and weeks passed before it expanded into other areas in the most timid of ways.even dealing with online tax for the cars was a big step.
i am now spending time with my daughter working on the car and we have started gardening. she and her brother accompany me and it is planned to take a trip.
very small area of life and i know the rest of life is bigger but it is my small start.
i share in case something like it might sound reasonable to you
Thank you to all for your kind and supportive words. I feel like when I talk about this with others I feel they do not want to hear it and some have stopped taking to me. One person said I was like a child having a temper tantrum another yelled at me to get help and hasn't spoke to me since. That was about 3 months ago. So it is difficult to tell my story. But I will try.
I have been separated and divorced 4 years. My ex still does care what happens to me she tells me when she writes me. It was my fault my marriage ended I was so distant and felt alone all the time. I did start dating and met a wonderful woman and I was falling in Love all over again. My problem was I couldn't let go of the past and ruined that relationship also. I can not get her off my mind but she wanted nothing to do with me. ( Tired of listening yet). I worked for a large health care group in Pennsylvania. I was an Prehospital provider providing emergency services to the community. The end of 2013 we were advised we were advised that they were eliminating our division of the hospital. I placed my resume on website was recruited 2 months later for a facility in Colorado. I am from a city of 100,000 and I moved to a town of 18000. I lost about 25 lbs in about 6 weeks after moving here.
So I have tried everything to fit in with no luck. Had a heart episode in February of this year was flown to larger facility for heart cath, placed on meds and restrictions for a couple months. As of last month stopped taking the meds I figure if God wants me bad enough here I am. I don't talk to friends or family tired of hearing it'll be ok, Don't get in a funk, things get better with time, you wont be alone long.
Now I have to children I love and visit my daughter 2 times a month since she is only two hours away. and I get to spend time with my grandsons. My son lives in California married and another grandchild on the way. I try to be happy but I can't and I am always happy just not lately.
As of beginning of June stopped all meds took only one for depression effixir wasn't thrilled with that. I have served 30 years in Fire and EMS career someone had asked sometime ago if I could be suffering from PTSD, no clue.
Well thank you for listening
Oh that does sound sad, feeling lost is horrible and suggests you don't have anyone supporting you?
Maybe you could just start by telling us something about yourself and your situation?
I have been separated and divorced 4 years. My ex still does care what happens to me she tells me when she writes me. It was my fault my marriage ended I was so distant and felt alone all the time. I did start dating and met a wonderful woman and I was falling in Love all over again. My problem was I couldn't let go of the past and ruined that relationship also. I can not get her off my mind but she wanted nothing to do with me. ( Tired of listening yet). I worked for a large health care group in Pennsylvania. I was an Prehospital provider providing emergency services to the community. The end of 2013 we were advised we were advised that they were eliminating our division of the hospital. I placed my resume on website was recruited 2 months later for a facility in Colorado. I am from a city of 100,000 and I moved to a town of 18000. I lost about 25 lbs in about 6 weeks after moving here.
So I have tried everything to fit in with no luck. Had a heart episode in February of this year was flown to larger facility for heart cath, placed on meds and restrictions for a couple months. As of last month stopped taking the meds I figure if God wants me bad enough here I am. I don't talk to friends or family tired of hearing it'll be ok, Don't get in a funk, things get better with time, you wont be alone long.
Now I have to children I love and visit my daughter 2 times a month since she is only two hours away. and I get to spend time with my grandsons. My son lives in California married and another grandchild on the way. I try to be happy but I can't and I am always happy just not lately.
As of beginning of June stopped all meds took only one for depression effixir wasn't thrilled with that. I have served 30 years in Fire and EMS career someone had asked sometime ago if I could be suffering from PTSD, no clue.
Well thank you for listening