Such a simple question isn't it, who am I? I can tell you that I am a man, I can tell you that I live in Wales. I can even tell you that I have a partner and daughter and love them ever so much. What I can't tell you is who I am, not because it is a national secret but because I do not know myself. Several weeks ago thirty years of trying to handle my illness on my own came crashing down. Several weeks ago I was a different person, a person who I now look back on and rather dislike. The full story I will not go into but you can read it if you like on my blog.
The purpose of this post is to introduce myself and by that I mean introduce the work in progress that is me right now. I have decided that hiding my illness was wrong so now I have vowed that I will hold nothing back, I don't care what other people think I am proud to discuss mental illness and how it afects me. I am proud that I spend time offering words of comfort to others and I am proud of my growing mental health community. I hope that you will accept me into your communities so we can learn and grow. My motto is "help others, help yourself" and even though I don't know just who I am, I like who I am becoming.
@davesoapbox - twitter