Hi everyone, this is the story of someone I know and he is going through tough times and i don't know how to help him
He is suffering from depression and anxiety and he is probably not acknowledging it but it's clear.
He is 23 years old, he start working and planning to start his own business but 4 months ago, he got deceived and all his work went in vain, he sacrificed his time, his health (he have diabetes
and he is pushing himself to the limits) but all of this was wasted on nothing. The man who he worked for didn't pay him the work that he spend a lot doing it, and by that, a lot of things that he was planning get frozen and that was even bad for his reputation. U probably would wounder why not taking this to the court right!! But believe me, it won't work.
After that incident, he stayed home, he felt tired and crushed.
sometimes we need to take a brake, we need to take some time to heal, to think about what went wrong, learn from what happen and maybe change the plan.
That would be easier when you are surrounded by supportive people, but this is not his case, he is staying with his parents and his father being so abusive and his mother loosing hope day after day.
He is crying everyday, he is destroyed and sensitive, he is thinking about dying..
Leaving his family is not an option, he have no where to go
I can't just go and drag him out of it, I can't do whatever i want (Culture, traditions or whatever problems)
And going to a Psychiatrist isn't something commune here, mental health isn't a priority here
I'm trying to help, i'm talking to him but i'm unable to do much, He need to start searching for a new beginning and maybe a job, but what about his depression and anxiety!
What am I suppose to tell him! What to do!!
(Sorry for my English)