I'm pretty sad and lonely, I've been kicked out by my parents last year and since then I've been settled in a hostel. I suffer from depression/anxiety... I mean you tell me I always feel low and hopeless, I feel tired for no apparent and I mean tired as hell and my sleep cycle is so messed up if I miss one night sleep thats it. I'm a recluse or hermit if you will and fear going outside especially to crowded places, while I was homeless I was sleeping on hard surfaces so the muscles in my back and lower back are relaxed so now I can't even walk as properly as I used to, my hip feels out of place and my posture is all messed up, half the time its a struggle sitting down properly, Im even sitting in a bad way as I type.
Oh and heres more exciting new! I have high frequency hearing loss, I'm sure anyone would feel shitty about that but on top of my mental health and my career of being a music producer/composer might come to an end because of it, and thats a pain like no other. Its like raising a child for 10 years and suddenly its paralysed, yeah thats a bit of an exstaggeration but you get my point Its killing me (i'll probably end up selling my studio equipment). While I have noticeable hearing loss, I still want relief from the pressure I feel in my ears from the loss, I don't know why its so prevalent, I've convinced the doctor to get me a second opinion from another hospital, the the hospital I had an appointment at yesterday... as per usual since i'm not ready to travel alone, I have to get escorted like a little child and its embarrassing considering my age, I can't get on public transport alone? Well when I got there I wasn't too pleased with his diagnosis, he practically said the same thing, he said theres nothing he can do about the hearing loss and its too early of a stage to fit in some hearing aids, it said it won't help me. So I tend asked him to atleast work on getting rid of this tension and pressure in my ears I have, I can learn to deal with the slight hearing loss but the irritating pressure is something I want to go, the man wouldn't even give me a straight answer, infact what he did next I feel made it a little worse. He took me into the next room and clean the little wax out of my ear just to shut me up. And ever since probed my ear with his instrument my ear has progressively gotten worse and thus making me feel even more disconnected from this world and depressed, he put me in for anther MRI to rule out any nerve problems but I doubt that it would make a difference... right now I am alone and haven't slept for one night and I always feel scared and anxious, I don't feel like anyone understands my situation not even the staff members where I work, I feel as if they undermine my problems and treat me with very little respect sometimes. Im mostly in my room almost everyday with little to no movement, I'm terrified of being judged if I leave my room. Day by day Im losing hope, I'm sick and tired of people asking me question as if I have control over myself, its really patronising, like do you have any friends? do you go out? What are you going to do today? It really makes no sense asking someone in my condition that, obviously i want to get better, I have goals which I'd like to achieve and things I want to change about my life but I can't and right now I feel like crying and theres no real solution to end my torment.