Help, I don't know what to do. - Mental Health Sup...

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Help, I don't know what to do.

Chris76 profile image
16 Replies

Hello everyone, I'm a 38yr old male and I feel as though I'm struggling with depression? I've never felt this way before and have recently discovered that I also suffer from a condition known as BED, Binge Eating Disorder.

I work as a regional official for a trade union and its a very stressful role and it's something I'm struggling to deal with at present and it's making me feel very ill and unhappy.

I'm having difficulty sleeping and ive only had around 3 hours last night. I'm getting worried as I was laying in bed and thinking of ways I could seriously self harm myself so I wouldn't have to go into work, I know this isn't normal thinking.

I'm embarrassed by this and don't know what to do, I have an amazing girlfriend a wonderful family and I'm liked by the people I work with but I can't stop feeling so so low about myself.

Can anyone please help me and tell me what I need to do to get me back to my old self again??

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Chris76 profile image
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16 Replies
Piggysqueak profile image

Hello Chris 76

Lovely to meet you u

I'm sorry you are feeling so terrible

I don't know how you can find you old self

But I do recognise you need to see the Professionals

And maybe talk to your girlfriend and or family they will help

I'm sure they have noticed changes in you

It good you can see the positives in your life

But you and anyone would feel worse with so little sleep and no rest to recover

But I have felt like you a long time ago and it did change but not without help mine was gp and my husband and mum .

Please contact 111 or your GP or your contact who has diagnosed you

Harming yourself is not the way honestly ,it would be better to ask family to phone in sick

I'm sure you will find yourself again but I think you know the second step is proper help

You've already taken the first step on here

I hope you will let us know how your getting on

There a great bunch on here and once they are awake you will have much better replies than mine

You take care

Love Squeák 🐷🐭xxxx

Obriens3 profile image

Hi Chris, sorry to hear you are feeling so down. Please don't feel ashamed, depression is an illness just like any other. If you feel like harming yourself please talk to your GP or if you can't face it dial 111. There is help out there, as a long suffering person with depression I hold down a good job. Depression can be managed but you can't do it alone, confide in your girlfriend and friends. You have made a great step in recognising you need help and help is out there. Don't be ashamed talk to your GP. :)

Stilltrying_ profile image

It sounds like the stresses of the job are getting to you and the lack of sleep and then the thoughts you had this morning are ways of attempting to deal with this stress.

Some jobs will bleed you dry if you let them.

Is it time to think of a job or role change or a reduction in your hours?

I know this isn't always practical but at the end of the day I would say that your mental health comes first. They will manage if you cut down or take a bit of time off; you need to look after yourself; see your GP, talk to your girlfriend and family. No-one will think any the less of you ; we live in a very stressful world which is why it is important we take care of ourselves.

Gemma x

Chris76 profile image

Thank you for your help and support it means a great deal. My girlfriend is being really supportive and wants to come to see the GP with me. I've also got an employee support number to call and if needed I can get 5 free counselling sessions. I just need to learn to cope with stress and deal with my emotions in a more positive way and with you guys, my friends and girlfriend in sure I can get there x x thank you all I shall keep you updated x x

Obriens3 profile image

That's great news Chris, I wish you well:) x

Chris76 profile image

Thanks Obriens3 x I know there will be ups and downs but hopefully more ups than downs!! Thank you for your kind words x

Obriens3 profile image

Your welcome Chris. I wish you all the best :) x

Chris76 profile image

Hi Everyone, just a quick update.

Having great support from my GF and a colleague at work who suffered with depression and made a really great recovery from it. I'm having good moments and also low moments but hopefully things will start to pick up more and more. I am aiming to call the work support line on Friday as I have a day off and will be more comfortable and I also have an appointment booked with a therapist in April about BED so I'm hopefully going in the right direction x

Obriens3 profile image

Chris, that's great news your sounding much more positive already. I'm so glad I found this site myself as have had so much support from people and actually managed to go back to work today :) Out of curiosity what is BED ?

Chris76 profile image
Chris76 in reply to Obriens3

Hi There x

BED is Binge Eating Disorder it's another blinking psychological issue I need help with. I'm going to get there though so all is good x x thank you for taking the time to reply x

Obriens3 profile image

OK Chris just wondered. Look after yourself :) x

Chris76 profile image
Chris76 in reply to Obriens3

And you x if you ever want to offload anything just get in touch x

Obriens3 profile image

I think I have BAD binge alcohol drinking lol :)

Chris76 profile image
Chris76 in reply to Obriens3

Haha I may go full tilt and have both lol

Obriens3 profile image

Thank you. You too. I think we all develop our coping mechanisms albeit unhealthy e.g. Eating too much, drinking too much etc. We will get there.

Obriens3 profile image

Hahaha get you totally. We have to laugh don't we :) X

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