On the 18th of Dec I had my catheter changed at home by the community nurse and it was so wrong first I said I wanted the bedroom door kept open my carer was in the place. She waited until the catheter was in and roughly stuck two fingers in my vagina and started pressing on my bladder in and out and kept saying I want to see water, I want to see water at one point she steamed out of the room to my kitchen and got a mug of water and demanded I drink it then she started with her fingers again and it was hurting but I couldn't move as I had no more catheters so if it hadn't been inflated it would of come out, and she kept saying I want to see water, I want to water while really pushing hard in and out of my vagina until something came out and it was blood she said that's ok water will follow and thank god it did. I should of called out to my carer I showed him the blood after and it took me a month to get the courage up to ring the community team about it. I have called them four times and they say they will ring me back but don't. I am not a frail old lady I'm a 51 year old big tattooed woman but I was in shock. I called the community nurses so nobody else would have to put up with this. I cannot get this out of my mind, they are not acknowledging it and I feel terrible and don't know what to do, I never thought id feel vulnerable.
I Don't Know What To Do.: On the 18th... - Mental Health Sup...
I Don't Know What To Do.

Omg what an awful experience for you no wonder you feel violated as anyone would. I would ring again and ask for the number of the person in charge. Say if no one calls you back this time you are going to make an official complaint. That should get the ball rolling.
Also does your community nurse work out of your surgery or hospital? You can look online and it might be there and you should be able to put a review in. I did this with my surgery and the practise manager responded and I spoke to her over the phone.
I hope you get some answers and get this awful nurse disciplined at least. No one should have to put up with that kind of treatment. Let me know what know happens please. x
Thanks i've rang four times and they ignore me. They work through Oxleas Trust and when I first got the courage to ring up they just lied and have done since. I think they think I will go away I wont I don't want money or anything just an apology and her loose her job so she doesn't do it to others she was really horrible. I suppose they asked her she lied and they settled for that, well I want it known so no elderly or vulnerable persons get treated this way. I cant see them doing anything, my carer saw the blood after and opened the door she insisted shutting, in fact thinking about it then is when she got me some water and insisted I drink. Bloody horrible person, I will tell you if anything happens. I'm up urology tomoz so I'm going to tell the consultant perhaps he might realise how wrong this was. She should not of done that, didnt even say she was going to, I just want her sacked.
See the link. There is also a link to PALS. I doubt whether your consultant has the power to do anything but do keep on complaining until Oxleas are forced to respond. You can't demand she is sacked so don't mention that at all, just tell them what she did and how she did it and say you have have a witness (your carer). You can't give up as goodness knows how many others she has treated that way or will continue to do so unless she is stopped. x
Good. Also make sure you say how she made you feel - this is very important as they put great weight on this. Good luck. x
Is there another authority that you can report this to as well as the apathetic response of the company itself.
I am so sorry that you have experienced something so degrading while in the privacy of your own home. It is inexcusable for anyone in a helping profession to treat their client in this way.
I hope as you do that any action will result in this person losing their job as they are not a safe professional in any capacity.
I'm sorry I am not familiar with PALS - what does it stand for, please?