hi there sorry to be a burden on here having a really down day had my quetiapine changed about the other day and dont know if thats whats causing me to be so tearful ive had the dose reduced at night and increased during the day to try and help me cope better hope it does ! any input would be greatfully recieved david x
help: hi there sorry to be a burden on... - Mental Health Sup...

Hi David. Changing meds can change all your hormone levels. So it's only normal you'd feel this way. Give these meds time to settle into your system and your body will soon accept them. I hope these work better for you. There are so many meds out there so it can be a tough journey finding the right ones for you. Please keep in mind that you feel tearful because of this change. The way I try to think of it is that the emotions aren't real and they are being forced into my head. I think like this when I feel negative and sensitive before my time of the month and keep tearing up. I just tell myself to behave because it will pass. Obviously this doesn't help when something big happens in life. But I just mean that it helps to think like this if I know it's my period or meds causing it.
All the best xx
Thank you for your reply i know my.doctors trying to help and if i didnt take my meds i would be a lot worse ! i had a s.a.h 2 years ago and im grateful for surviving it i had depression before but its worse since then ! im just going day by day.again thank you for your input david !
Hi David. Ah my heart goes out to you, changing Meds could have
Affected you, but it's always hard to say what cause these mood shifts.
I think we look for reasons to reassure ourselves, I think the reality
Is that sometimes " there is no reason".
My advice is dont fight against it, try and just go with it and I'm sure
You will feel a bit better soon. We never stay in the one mood for
Too long.
You know that we are here anyway to give you a hand. Take
Care of yourself David. I know it's not easy at times like this.
Hannah x
thanks for your kind words hannah im going to stick it out its the only way to get well ! how did your christmas and new year go hope you had a great time thxs again take care david
You will never, ever be a burden to anyone here and your posts are always wanted and welcomed. I don't have any experience of that particular type of medication, but I know that I am really sensitive to mine and even the slightest alteration sends my hormones haywire! Is there a possibility of them not reducing it by so much during the night, or doing it more gradually? x
Everyone has said what I was going to say David so all I can do is send you lots of cuddly huggs
Bev xx

thanks bev xx
hi lucy hope your well ! thank you for your. help i feel a burden some times but thanks for your kind words i to like to help others its just my nature ! regards my meds im pretty sure it is the dose of my quetiapine getting changed so hopefully will feel better soon ! i hope your feeling well i was worried you were coping ok with your mums passing god bless you david xx
Please as Lucy has said never feel you are a burden, you are not . That is
What the Forum is for . Care and support when we need it most.
Plus you are always kind and helpful to others.
Warm hugs to you.
Thank you to hanna and lucy i take on board what youve said im eternally.greatful for the help ive received and i would like to definatelly call you all friends ! i will continue to be here for anyone who needs my help thank you.all. david xx