If Kippers were Wishes...: If Kippers... - Mental Health Sup...

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If Kippers were Wishes...

CarolineLondon profile image
29 Replies

If Kippers were fishes....

Im tired, I get waaay silly when Im tired. I have just eaten Kippers and drunk Coke, that was a baaad idea wasnt it...lol.

Annnnywway My question is this, Ive been having a think and Id like to start a forum where we can discuss, good books, and what celbs we love and what on earth Big Brother is about (mentioning no names as I know someone here loves it! ). Im more of a radio 4 extra gal as you know as I go on and on about it! No but really you know share the latest thing we found on a documentary (for me it was about how to kidnap a mormon, no really it was very funny). Or is the Moon really made of cheese all that.

You lot have the smarts and I like to hear your ideas and what you've read, heard, the latest gadget you bought and when you blew the shed up aged 8 or shoved a piece of chalk up your nose when you were two ( noooo I dont know why your looking at me!)

So there must be a monitor on this site or someone who knows how we could start such a forum and if we could call it ' if wishes were kippers'...lol. Well until the real title raised its head. I know strictly it might not be Health Unlocked but in those more positive moments it might help with depression.

I wonder if when on tour in the 70's Mick Jagger used to have late night smoked kippers and coke, it certainly sends you off... haha.

Okay rant over for now.


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CarolineLondon profile image
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29 Replies

Lmfao that post was so funny

CarolineLondon profile image
CarolineLondon in reply to

'What funny like a clown?!'... Love that quote its right up there with As Good As it Gets :

Melvin Udall: [introducing Carol to Simon].... "Carol the waitress, Simon the fag".

Thanks x

Stilltrying_ profile image
Stilltrying_ in reply to CarolineLondon

Me too; it's very funny; I think you have a very creative mind Caroline. Slightly "doolally" (that's a polite way for saying you're a bit crazy) But in the nicest possible way! :) X

Glad you're feeling perkier as I said on your other post and also wishing you all the best for your appointment today .


PS Interesting; origins of words. I just looked that one up as I didn't know how to spell it correctly and found that the word originates from the British Army transit camp in Deolali. Originally the full phrase was "Deolali tap"; tap probably derived from the sanskrit word for heat or fever. So in other words they lost their marbles because of the boredom and the heat there. Now what's your excuse???? :p

(Ps Hope I know you well enough to jest with you like this! ) X Hugs Also just wanted to say was feeling pretty dire this morning and your post has changed my mood completely and I feel quite cheered up now despite the usual very little sleep and constant ruminating. So THANKYOU .

CarolineLondon profile image
CarolineLondon in reply to Stilltrying_

As ever Gemma You're Tops!

I just love words and doolally is wonderful. So great you posted up how it came about, thanks for that.

I don't mind if you take the rip out of me anytime Gemma, we are great friends and its great fun. I try not to take myself too seriously all the time (sometimes I get very Bamber Gascoigne, but then I search for the Kenny Everett, not that I could sooo talented and it's not far away underneath the Sandy Toksvig)

Do you ever watch the Simpsons you know when Mr Burns ( that sex god!) makes that shivering sound in his throat when he doesn't like something, well thats the noise Im making now when I think of my appointment today...ha ha. Cant bear Doctors they are so stuffy.

I wonder what they'd do if I turned up in open toed sandals and socks! Even better a Kaftan (bit before my time). Where can you get a decent Kaftan these days!

Anyway this isn't getting us near our target answer so come on Moderator where is the Kippers for Wishes section?!!



Suzie40 profile image


It's always nice to chat about something other than how depressed we feel. I tend to just put a post up and for me personally, I'd prefer that to venturing out to another forum. I love the idea though x

CarolineLondon profile image

Well Lucy I just thought if we could keep it on this site where people tend to be anyway they could dip in and out. May not be possible but I wont give up just yet so keep your kippers on hold Lucy and if it happens I might be able to convert you for a moment or two :-)

Hope you have a fab day XX

in reply to CarolineLondon

Never mind the Kaftan, I am still missing my afgan coat!

Your Kippers have been inspirational though, I just phoned a customer and said if they don't pay us by tomorrow I shall go round there with a pocket full of Kippers and just wait in there lobby! they phoned back ten minutes later saying they have just made a bank transfer,

Keep um coming, and have a good day :-)


CarolineLondon profile image
CarolineLondon in reply to

Monib thats hillarious, you gotta love the power of the Kipper!

You made me laugh out loud!


kevlar profile image

this sounds great. your post really made me laugh. it made me wonder about the smell afterwards though, kippers and coke? at either end it would be bad lol (sorry for bringing the level down).

id have plenty to post on that forum, but its whether id want to keep outing myself as a prize dumpling though. hopeful;y it would cheer others up.

this is my first reply or response of any sort and im glad you posted it. it got me out of my shell.

thanks again x

CarolineLondon profile image
CarolineLondon in reply to kevlar

Kevlar, love it! What a great name and what a great product.

Look Kevlar Im as daft as a brush so you wouldnt be alone...ha ha. Im so pleased you replied and hope you reply more often, shells are for those funny tortoisey things not starlets like you and I :-)

Right I have to prepare for my meeting .....aaaahhh can't shake the image of Mr Burns (from the Simpsons) lets hope the other guy is Smithers....haha.

Big Kiss X

Update later

Oh and I wrote to the HealthUnlocked Gods about the Kippers so lets see :-)

kevlar profile image
kevlar in reply to CarolineLondon

thanks for your support. and good luck with your meeting. remember smithers has a crush on mr burns so you never know ;) lol

hopefully the powers that be on healthunlocked will see the benefits from it and support your idea. looking forward to more posts and laughs in the future.

big kiss back.


Catmag profile image

Hi all, so good to focus on something fun for a change. In the spirit of sharing check out Jeff Dunham on YouTube. It may not be everyone's cup of tea but I personally love Achmed the dead terrorist. Then there's always Sheldon from the Big Bang Theory.

I'm off to watch some YouTube not that you've reminded me to laugh.....it's better than my meds.

Cheers to all & have a good day.

CarolineLondon profile image
CarolineLondon in reply to Catmag

Hiya Catmag

just checked out Achmend the dead terrorist hillarious! Id never heard of Jeff Dunham.

If you love impressions check out Alistair McGowans impression of Audry Hepburn and Cary Grant running a motorway burger bar. 'Gary Lineker, Audrey Hepburn & Cary Grant comedy impressions - BBC'

Thank for that X

Stilltrying_ profile image

Thanks so much for that link Catmag. Have just followed it and I love it! That is one of the things I love about a forum like this.

As well I am with Lucy. I feel safe on here. Yes we are depressed but also entitled to a laugh from time to time with our friends on here (don't need a seperate section or "forum" for humour)

I find people on here genuine and with "standards"; unlike some of the stuff I see online wherein there is swearing and rude and thoughtless egocentric comments everywhere. I think it is a good reflection on the moderators and on ourselves on here that it is very much a respectful community even though we do have a giggle sometimes.

Ps I loved the Jeff Dunham "Christmas special"; in particular the comment that "Kids blow up fast nowadays"! Anyone who thinks this is racist would be completely missing the point of it by the way as it is not distasteful; I hate the kind of stuff which is. This is just funny and clever!

Gemmalouise X

CarolineLondon profile image
CarolineLondon in reply to Stilltrying_

Hiya pleased your having fun with all this Gemma, no panic the HealthUnlocked gods havent got back to me yet :-)


SLSL profile image

Boo - I can't keep up with the humour as English isn't my first language :-)

I think it's a good idea to throw in some fun but I too would prefer to stay here on this forum x

CarolineLondon profile image
CarolineLondon in reply to SLSL

Sorry SLSL dont want you to feel left out. Im sure you'll get some of the jokes. Are there any US or English comedians you like?


SLSL profile image
SLSL in reply to CarolineLondon

It's just I don't know what kippers means :-)

Yeah I love Frankie Boyle x

Stilltrying_ profile image
Stilltrying_ in reply to SLSL

SLSL kippers is just a type of smoked fish. I think Caroline said "If wishes were kippers "as an idea just because the words rhyme ie they sound similar when you say them . She's got a daft sense of humour ! X

CarolineLondon profile image
CarolineLondon in reply to Stilltrying_

Me daft....lol....most certainly :-) Oh yeah meeting went well, actually the guy was quite hot, but even a tad too old for me, drat and double drat...lol.


SLSL profile image
SLSL in reply to Stilltrying_

Ok thank you :-)

Daft? Or too intelligent?


CarolineLondon profile image
CarolineLondon in reply to SLSL

Well its like this if I EVER get an offer of an interview you tell them Im intelligent right...otherwise truth is Im 'daft as a brush' (stick with us SLSL you will learn lots of truely useless old phrases :-)


CarolineLondon profile image
CarolineLondon in reply to SLSL

lol... awe. Well Kippers are smelly slimy but very tasty fish and comedians have referred to them in the past because in a sense they are funny objects. Maybe it was easy to get Kippers after the war? It's always been a favourite British Fish.

So theres a phrase " slap you round the chops (cheeks) with a wet kipper" if you can imagine that happening its kind of like the cartoon thing where Jerry hits Tom with a frying pan! Its silly school boy humour, we call it slap stick.

Any mention of kippers because they dont normally enter a conversation tend to raise a smile. I hope that goes someway to explaining.


SLSL profile image
SLSL in reply to CarolineLondon

:-) thank you

CarolineLondon profile image
CarolineLondon in reply to SLSL

Oh and I forgot to say the true phrase is 'if wishes were horses, beggars would ride'

Explanation straight from Wikkipedia:

If wishes were horses, beggars would ride, is an English language proverb and nursery rhyme, originating in the 16th century, which is usually used to suggest that it is useless to wish and that better results will be achieved through action.

A lot of British humour refers back to something else, not helpful I know sorry SLSL but you'll pick it up as you go along :-)


Stilltrying_ profile image
Stilltrying_ in reply to CarolineLondon

Aw Caroline, now I am learning as I didn't understand the whole extent of the joke. Very clever! I love language and phrases. So true as well. I believe in action all the way. Actions speak louder than words they say and that is something that I stand by though words can be an action in themselves sometimes as on here.

Take care all; really enjoyed this thread on here as it's safe with the people I know .


Stilltrying_ profile image

Ooh that's a shame SLSL. Humour can be a very individual thing anyway. (and some of us are crazy :p )

Just caught up on the Sheldon and big bang theory stuff (that's American); my favourite quote from it so far:-

"I grew up in a house full of crazy academics; instead of leaving Santa milk and cookies we had to leave him a research paper and in the morning you could tell he had been there because the paper would be graded."

"No wonder you love Christmas that sounds amazing."

"It wasn't amazing; I got a C minus 4 years in a row! "

Some of this stuff is translated into other languages or use google translate (should come up with some interesting variations; may be even funnier!)

Ok I'll shut up now; I know this is a depression forum but this has really cheered me up today so thanks all. X

CarolineLondon profile image
CarolineLondon in reply to Stilltrying_

Yeah the big bang might be a toughy, I watched one once where they had to give him a lift to somewhere that was quite funny and one where his mum comes to stay ;-)


Catmag profile image

Glad you enjoyed and apologies to SLSL, some of it could be difficult when English isn't your first language.

Will check out your suggestion Caroline.

Good night.

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