Bristol Royal Infirmary Hospital Phys... - Mental Health Sup...

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Bristol Royal Infirmary Hospital Physiotherapy Department assault and sexual degrading can someone advise me

stevespoc profile image
7 Replies

This all happened at the Bristol Royal Infirmary in Bristol

3 Months have passed and no one has offered me any help from within the hospital. They continue to fob off the Police, MP and other bodies.

On January 15 2014

I was physically assaulted and negligently hurt by a senior physiotherapist in the hospital. I was sexual degraded by the same woman with her colleague not stopping the situation or saying anything.

I feel disgusting, dirty and all alone.

I reported to the hospital but their Pals team and Head of Nursing have yet to even discuss the incident with me. They have offered me no support and not even taken this officially down the complaints process. I feel used and abused.

In the same incident I came in to contact with someone else's body fluids or secretion - and they also have not done anything about the lack of infection control

I don't know what to do. Who to help

I can't sleep ... and this is making me go out of my mind.... can you advise ?

Thank you

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7 Replies

Hi Steve

I have no knowledge or experience of how these things work so I can only say what I would do in a similar positiion and hope it may be of some help.

As you mentioned the police I assume you made an official complaint to them? If so, do you have a contact for who is dealing with it & have you tried contacting them?



I am sorry to hear about what happened to you! You must be feeling really unsupported which will repeat some of the feelings of being used and abused. If you wish to share those emotions here we will offer you support as best we can.

In the meantime I suggest you put this post onto the Patient Unlocked website as writing feedback there ensures it is likely to be read by the correct person. Be sure to put the name of the hospital and service as your heading because their search facility can be quite specific. Also be very clear about exactly what happened and try to keep emotions under control as that way you are likely to get a caring response.

The other thing you can do if you have not already is to write directly to the Matron at the hospital in question - you can phone the hospital switchboard and ask for the name. I would send the letter recorded delivery so you know it reached the correct person. Send a copy also recorded delivery to their PALS.

If you still get no adequate response then I suggest you contact the Medical Director of the NHS Trust at their headquarters. You might also speak with a solicitor if you have not already done so as it may be possible to make a private case for negligence under legal aid.

You might also write to the Minister for Health and include a copy of your letter to the hospital that way you are likely to ensure you are not fobbed off with an inadequate response. Do make sure you are clear about the FACTS and although you will describe your emotions try to keep the letters clear and concise as that way they are more likely to be taken seriously.


stevespoc profile image

The sad thing is::

The Head Nurse / Matron - seems to be unwilling to get those concerned into trouble and delaying things

The Police were involved - but the Bristol Royal Infirmary Pals team told them that they had not heard from me - despite having emails, letters and calls from me every day

An NHS cover up

Hi I agree with Sue. This is a forum site for depression we know very little about formal compaints to a hospital. You need to be on the Patient Unlocked site as Sue said. There is no one knowledgeable about this here.

stevespoc profile image

I understand .... but I am able to cope with the anxiety and depression

I can't do things

I can't sleep

I can't socialise

My life is a mess over this and that's why I need help on here.

Already chronically depressed this has taken me too far down a darker path

Gambit62 profile image

I remember your post from a few months ago.

Really sorry that it is dragging on.

Looking at your symptoms on your profilesreads like a list of B12 deficiency symptoms


have you ever had B12 levels tested? Unfortunately the test that is done looks at total B12 not just active B12, so wouldn't be conclusive

Things can really throw any of us off balance at times and it must feel as if you are trapped in the past at the moment. Do you have an distraction techniques that you can use to take your mind off the anxiety.

I know it is going to sound like nonsense but may be some meditation would help - it helps me most of the time. It isn't a quick fix but can thoroughly recommend the following book 'Mindfulness: a practical guide to finding peace in a frantic world' by Mark Williams and Danny Penman.

stevespoc profile image

Hey - I have in my hand as you wrote a book called 'Mindfulness made easy' so I am heading in the same direction

Not what you're looking for?

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