where do I go if rheumatologist fobs me off as well.tehy need to believe my dogs if not me.when its too late they will admit they are wrong.
feel so depressed now.: where do I go... - Mental Health Sup...
feel so depressed now.

Hugs. Hopefully the rheumy won't fob you off. Have you been referred to the pain clinic by your GP? If not, asked for a referral. That's where I have received the best help.
Gentle hugs
hi jilly its not the pain thats the problem .its that no one is taking me seriously and accepting what I tell them.noone believes that I can lose weight elsewhere and gain it in my abdomen.BMI is not reliable as it doesn't specify where weight is distributed ie loss and gain in different areas.time to write another letter to my gp fro all its worth.
Make a list of a few points for your Rheumatologist and
See how it goes. Try not to worry too much before hand, is there anyone
Who could go with you? That might help too.
Hannah .
hi just got back from seeing the rheumatologist.what a complete waste of my F.......time!!said it s not clinical appointment so from the start it was obvious he wasn't going to listen to me.told him that his letter to my gp contained incorrect facts and that he never gave me the opportunity to tell him about my symptoms and only went on about ca125 and weight and diet,.told him that the weight gain is all abdominal and on 3 occasions lost it elsewhere,refusing to acknowledge this,said you need to los e weight and eat less and exercise more .so angry then and let rip-that is what you/no one are not accepting -taht i ahve lost weight elsewhere and teh increase is all abdominal and until someone accepts that that is the casue I am not goign to lose weight.I cant eat less when i ahve no appetite and only have breakfast and as i told you last time i dont eat cakes biscuits snacks or puddigns and haven t done so for years.he didnt have my notes with him and he was as about as the least helpful and inconsiderate as anyone could be.told him of symptoms and how is it that other and if I wasn't happy change drs. they know that is not an option as there are no other surgeries i can go to in town.all i want is someone to take me seriously and taht it is not all in my head,I just want to end it now but my dogs need me .
Hugs. Can you ask to see another Specialist , at another hospital if possible.? Surely if you have lost weight everywhere but gained around your tummy, you should have your tummy, etc checked! I swear that if you don't tick their particular boxes, they think there can't possibly be a cause that needs to be checked by someone else.
Hi anbuma. I fear you have yet again met the brick wall. Could I suggest that you look up Münchausen syndrome, which to me seems possibly linked to what you are going through.
Best wishes