Hello all. I haven't posted here for a while. I've had a very turbulent year. I'm the one who had a psychotic episode in January this year, and I was posting strange messages on here because my reality was warped. I worry that a lot of people will think that my psychosis was drug induced, when it was unexpected and unexplainable. The psychosis has left me unable to exert myself too much, being on antipsychotics. Now I feel completely flat, although I smile and laugh and try to elevate my voice, I feel like the energy levels are not the same as they were. I had a spell of depression which lasted a month in about June. Now I think I have a mild, nagging depression which won't go away.
The thing is that I have now started a new job at a primary school as a learning support assistant. Today was my second day. I took the job because I believe that I am capable. But I am starting to feel incredibly worried and very stressed because I have so much to learn at this new school, and I haven't worked in a school before.
Even though I have worked with my younger cousins I am concerned that I am out of my depth because I constantly feel tired, as though my brain has done a million reps of weight lifting. I lack confidence and I fear that I will never gain any at this school. All the other staff are, of course, confident and at ease in this environment, having worked there for years. And here I am, struggling away.
It's only day two. Although I really want to stick it out, I feel anxious and in a low mood. I keep worrying that my face is showing how I feel, and I am constantly tired.
They are expecting me to teach phonics to a group of about 7 children and record how they get on with each letter sound. I lack the confidence to deliver the session. I guess what I'm saying is that the job is so much more difficult than I expected it to be.
I'm not sure if I am asking for advice or not. I'm just reaching a moment where I am treading water. I really don't want to sink.
Thanks for reading.