Hi, sorry im new and ill try keep this short l'm male 2911stone from the UK, for the last 3 years I have been getting:
Right sided flank pain, it is really sporadic, can last all day, or a hour and vanish for days, and suddenly comes back out of the blue. My mobility is good during these bouts of pain, and movement does not worsen the pain or relieve it, this isn't muscular, it feels deeper.
It starts in my upper right back where my right kidney is, and after 30 mins will radiate down my side and end with a dull heavy ache in my right teste. So then I have pain down my whole right side.
Recently I get sudden sharp onsets and it makes me feel extremely nauseous.
I have been back and forth to NHS drs who have done:
-Blood tests
-Urine tests and all was fine, they have done 2x kidney ultrasounds
also fine
The GP then said I need to manage the pain myself as there is no more they could do. Another year of pushing and being a pest they
gave me a testicle ultrasound they found 6-8 calcification in each testes, they said this is a incidental find, no further action,
They then reluctantly said I could have a abdomen and pelvis CT scan with contrast, they found 1 'miniscule' pleural nodule in my right lung, and my bertolotti joint fused to my sacrum. They have said this is incidental and no cause of the pain.
Lying down usually relieves it, or makes it more bearable.
I'm at the end of my tether writing this in pain, the GP has said there is literally nothing else they can do and this will need to be managed by myself, and I've just been left.
I wasn't all to happy with that so now they have referred me to Pain management, my appointment is in June 2025.
Whilst I appreciate the GP doing tests, I do feel a bit ignored now and to even suggest that I just need to manage it myself I thought was disgusting, they are also suggesting mental health. So now I'm too scared to do anything in fear ill be classes as a hypochondriac, which I am not.
does anyone have any suggestions?