I got circumcised 6 days ago, the shaft of my penis is still swollen and the skin is hiding the stitch line so I can’t see them. Is this normal? also how do I clean where the cut and stitches are?
circumcision: I got circumcised 6 days... - Men's Health Forum

Yes you will still have a lot of swelling and it may take some time to go down. Mine was about 3 times normal size for nearly 2 weeks, but everybody's healing time is different. For cleaning, consensus seems to be, dip in a mug of warm water with a bit of salt.I actually preferred sitting in a shallow bath of warm water, no soap.
Good luck
Well I'm finding the that different surgeons give different advice and if you look at other guy's experiences on here there are variations in what they've been told to do.Maybe better do what your own surgeon advises
No problem but didn't want to interfere with what you've already been told
6 days is nothing really. It will all come right
it just started bleeding on day 7. I can’t see exactly where the bleeding is coming from as it’s underneath where the skin is swollen. Is it normal to not be able to see the stitches?
I could see mine clearly once swelling subsided. They also became incredibly itchy as more and more time went on. Most of them fell apart and I pulled the others out myself.
As for bleeding, mine was mainly in the 3/4 days later but it wasn't too much.
Being polite here, I found the natural night time actions a bit uncomfortable.
It was probably about 10/14 days before I felt it was really healing well. 2019 it was done....
Thanks for your help
No worries. Just stick with it and keep an eye on it. I think you will find if there is a problem it will be quite obvious.
Yeah that what I thought, just concerned about a bit of bleeding as the first 6 days were ok now it’s started to bleed

This for m is not for penis health issues. They should be posted in the Men's Health (Penis Health) Forum.