Hi I had a circumcision 4 days ago, does anyone know if its normal for the glands to be swollen and red? All the frenulum part it super sensitive and has a sort of white coulor at the bottom?
Circumcision: Hi I had a circumcision... - Men's Health Forum

Take suggestions from your surgeon if any medicine required

I've not got his number, you can't just speak to the surgeon that easy, I was wondering from other people of what experiences they have had post circimcision
The swelling could last several weeks, and its normal.
Thank you is it normal for the frenulum part to be more sensitive and ooze too?
Quite so. The frenulum is very complex in structure, so any cutting of it will take longer to heal. Have to tried intermittent ice packs? If you’re past bleeding stage, Ibuprophen will help somewhat with symptoms too.
You had skin cut off, so bleeding is natural until the raw edges combine. I the doctot closed the wound with stitches, there will be bleeding from them possibly as long as they remain.