I have been prescribed Tamsulosin for enlarged prostrate, consultant advised no alcohol and to take just before bed, all literature advises reduce alcohol and take after breakfast, thoughts from experience please.
Tamsulosin and Alcohol.: I have been... - Men's Health Forum
Tamsulosin and Alcohol.

Morning friend - my consultant has suggested a 28 day trial of this drug which I’ve yet to start. Trying lifestyle changes first. My consultant said after breakfast and made no reference to not drinking alcohol. Hope this is of some help but I’m not an experienced user of this drug but am suffering mild BPH symptoms…all the best

I took T for years and took it when I got up as it was the easiest time to remember to take it, and as for alcohol I was not aware of any constraints or advice. That said my alcohol I take is probably a unit a week.

Much appreciated, I am not a regular or excessive drinker, thinking more of holiday treats I a few weeks.Thanks again
Have a word with your local pharmacist. I always get much more information/help about drugs from them rather than my GP.
Tamsulosin can cause dizziness so advice to take at night is because less risk whilst sleeping!
Same here occasionally have beer but beer enhanced the bph symptoms so avoid it mostly, never advised of any interaction with tamsilousin. Took it in the morning but had dizziness so Dr. advised to take at night instead.
I've been taking it for a week now and was told to take it after breakfast. No mention of alcohol but not drinking much anyway atm. Also, I can't say the Tamsulosin has had much of an effect really
I’d be interested to see how you get on…my consultant advised a one month trial built I’ve said I’m trying lifestyle changes prior to as 50 years old and not keen on going on long term meds especially as my wife is 38!! Did you try any lifestyle changes? Also, does it make you dizzy and any impact on the sexual side as apparently you cannot ejaculate with it?? Appreciate any feedback and good luck with it all…it’s not nice and I know how debilitating it can be. Take care and all the best…
How are you getting on with the tamouslin? Has it improved your symptoms at all? I’ve cut out caffeine alcohol and fizzy drinks and noted a small improvement. Due to see the consultant next month. I’m convinced I’ve got chronic prostatis and no drugs can help. It seems to flare up with alcohol energetic sec or stress - these symptoms mirror the symptoms of chronic prostatis. Thanks for reading and your time. All the best

Hi, glad you've seen improvements, I've finished my course and am now awaiting an appointment, I too have seen small improvements making same changes as yourself. Good luck and take care.
I was only advised to go to decaff coffee and drink more water. I never really drank much before as it meant I'd need to pee more often (vicious circle). I'm 61 and regularly excercise, have had no dizzy moments and had no problems with the sexual side atm. Night time peeing is pretty similar to before, the only thing I would say is slightly better is daytime flow and emptying the bladder fully. Good luck