Hello for the past two weeks or three I have been experiencing chest and heart palpitations a lot more and when I have already tried cutting off so many things such as alcohol, weed, poppers, soda, etc. and it keeps coming back. I have been to the drs multiple times and they can’t seem to find anything, everything seems normal to them, they think it’s stress and anxiety but I don’t think so.
Chest/heart fluttering: Hello for the... - Men's Health Forum
Chest/heart fluttering

palpitations are an awareness of your heart rhythm more than normal. the best way to detecta abnormalities of heart rhythm if present is a 24 hour tape. how long do the palpitations last for ? are they regular or irregular ? do you get chest pain or breathlessness with them ? does anything trigger them ? these are the kind of questions we would ask
Yeah they couldn’t find anything but it comes and goes. And not really chest pain. And it seems like everything triggers it like certain food, alcohol, this acid reduced pill that I took before, my inhaler, or just randomly.
So you had a 24 hour tape ? inhalers ( bronchodilators ) speed up the heart rate and you may notice this.
Yes 24 hr but it fell off of me so only 9 hours I wasn’t feeling any fluttering but I did yesterday and I do not worry about speed rate I worry when I feel it flutter or skip a beat or an extra heart beat
Isolated extra beats ( extra systoles ) are usually completely benign and can be sometimes provoked by stimulants , exercise etc. If the tape fell off after only 9 hours you could ask for a repeat.
Yes they will call me to let me know when I can go get one. I haven’t done poppers and ecstasy in a long time so. Maybe I messed up my heart beats and nervous system now?
Yes maybe
I should do an ultra sound next they said everything look normal