Probably the most basic question but here goes. I had sex a few days ago. There was a sharp pain as I have a short or tight banjo string (the skin that connects the foreskin to the head) it was bruised slightly and purple but pretty quickly a burn started well more an ache. The girl I slept with said she was clean and hadn’t dated or had sex in more than a year and was checked a few months back and was clean. I’ve known her for a long while and yes I’m sure people lie I accepted what she said.
I spoke to the doc today who had a gander at my member and saw a slight swelling she asked if it burned to pee or with semen and it wasn’t so I said no (this was earlier today so technically Thursday). She said there was no visible signs of an infection. No discharge etc etc but the sensation of burning or at least pain is there.
I do plan on going to the clinic tomorrow or Saturday the girl has offered to come along. I’m super peeved because I’ve had sex maybe 4 times in the last ten years (I know I know) and it was STI/Ds that put me off. The girl has offered to come along but I know if I get told it’s an infection I’ll be pretty ticked.
So basically could this be related to a mid bonk injury, possibly short banjo string or likely to be an STI/D keep in mind I will be going to the clinic so advice would be great though I understand it’ll most be guesses.