I been having these spots for as long as i can remember should i be worried? there are some on my shaft as well
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I have the same but under my foreskin, sexual health clinic confirmed fordyce spots, all natural and nothing to stress about.

alrite thanks for the help!

Is there any way to get rid of the spots? i dont really like the look of them
Hey bud, nah no way to get rid, sexual health clinic just told me I had to live with them, like I say mine are under so imagine pulling back n seeing them it was a shock over the years, could be worse things buddy
Hi, they look like fordyce spots they usually occur further down on your shaft but you should have them checked to be sure. can you retract your foreskin normally or do you have a tight foreskin with them?
i have phismosis but im using phimocure
Hey, yes your foreskin does look a little tight phimosis is very Common. how is the phimocure going does it seem to be working. Fordyce spots can come and go but if you have them a long time they probably will stay. they are probably not helping your phimosis either.
the phimocure is going well used it for 3 days going to try the next ring size tomorrow
Hey Man, how is the phimocure going is it helping with your phimosis. are your fordyce spots decreasing on the foreskin?
i have been really inconsistent cause some days im out for the whole day and i dont have time to use the phimocure but i do see my phimosis improving, i can pull back a little more when fully erect now. but my fordyce spots still arent decreasing is that normal?
That's good you have seen some progress with the phimocure keep it going and see what happens it can be a slow process. you might always have fordyce spots Man they are no harm to you.
Completely normal but if you are ever unsure always consult you GP.
I have many spots like yours. Sometimes more some times less. I have finally realized that they are part of my penis.
as on the BASHH reply I made, these are ectopic sebaceous glands, (Fordyce spots )
You can get them removed but you’d be putting yourself in a lot of pain. The removal is relatively the same as pearly penile papules removal and it’s pretty lengthy recovery. Chances you have fordyce spots on your lips if you have them on your penis. They do fade over time though!
Fordyce spots are perfectly natural and can come and go. Phimocure is a good product and will work in time. But please follow all instructions and don't try to speed the process up.
Nothing wrong with them at all. At least you have a foreskin. Whatever you do do not get it cut off.
Is it normal to have the spots on my balls?
I have noticed in my shaft. It is freaking me out. Please anyone help me out. Thanks