Hello im a 16 year old boy and like most boys my age i play alot of video games. half my day is on my computer but recently i have had horrible anxiety. iv had anxiety for years now but as of this month its very bad. im NEVER hungry i drink not even half the water im supposed to and i dont know where to start to make a change. how can i help my diet when im never hungry. i dont get much exercise.and im tired of living like this im not happy. i guess im just asking where to start what kind of diet do i need and what exercise routine should i start if i dont have a gym i an go to. any advice at all is great.
Please help with my anxiety : Hello im a... - Men's Health Forum
Please help with my anxiety

I really do think you need to discuss your issues with a healthcare professional or ring the helpline of a charity/not for profit dealing with emotional issues for young adults. Which country are you in?
I’d go to the drs as a first call. My husband had very bad anxiety 3 years ago. It was a very bad time but with the right help it is controlled. Don’t delay because the sooner you start to take control the better. Mental health is very important. We used Mind and their sessions were brilliant. Good luck👍
Hi Declan, sorry to hear that. As per Osidge’s note I think you should speak to someone who can offer specific support. Some charities in the space (in the UK) that I am aware of include:
Anxiety UK
No Panic
Youth helpline: 01753840393 (4-6pm weekdays)
Kooth (for young people)
Try them and they should be able to help/support and point you int he right direction. Equally speak to your GP.
The first part of winning this struggle is realizing you have a problem. So congrats. You will get lots of ideas on here. Some are good and some not. I think it is imports t you talk to someone in the mental health field. No stigma. The brain is an organ just like the heart and sometimes a specialist can help make it work better.
The more obvious answers are things like way less time on the computer and more exercise. But there may be other tweaks in your life which will help too. Know that we all have challenges and that life has years which are tougher than others.
Congrats on make a start on the road to a better life.
I think I can help. Let’s make a plan for you to at least exercise as a start. I agree that the rest of the the information shared by other posters is great to pursue for your anxiety.
Plan your meals and space them out, have a meal plan. Start off with some light stretching and walking you don’t really need a gym. There are some great motivation vids on YouTube, start with small objectives and build from that, it’s normal to like video games, but also maybe try different hobbies, if you like computer games maybe look at a course designing video games, do thing which help motivate you.